"The one thing you never saw"

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"Are you sure this is okay?" You asked and Aaliyah gasped as she looked at you.

"Baby girl you look stunning!!!" She complimented you and you blushed.

"Shawn's jaw already hit the floor." She commented and you rolled your eyes.

"I'm still the same kid to him.." you mumbled.

"You're 18 now." She pointed out.

"And he'll be 22!" You said and she scoffed.

"Look..Shawn's crazy about you." She reassured you and you sighed.

"How would you know?" You asked and she shrugged.

"I just do." She said.

"You look really beautiful Liyah." You said and she flipped her hair.

"When don't I?" She said sassily and you chuckled.

"I bet all the girls will looks gorgeous. Especially Malya." You said sighing.

"Look just because Brian's stupid cousin is in love with Shawn doesn't mean he likes her. He's just polite. For God's sake even Brian can't suffer her." She said rolling her eyes.

"Okay now let me.." she said but soon was cut off by the door bell.

"Fuck!! Liyah. My hair isn't done!! And everyone is here." You said panicking.

"Okay okay!! Calm down. You stay here curl your hair while I go downstairs and entertain them.

After curling your hair you looked at yourself. You didn't look bad. You weren't uncomfortable. You knew you looked good you just didn't want Shawn to see that too. You weren't wearing something special just a red dress sweater which was a bit up till your knees and some black knee lengts heels.

You took a deep breath and opened the door.

You went downstairs and into the livingroom. As you entered you saw Aaliyah smirking and you noticed Shawn. He was with his back towards you talking with his friends but they were also looking your way.

"What are you two idiots looking at?" You heard him asking then he turned around and looked at you. He opened his mouth but no words left it. The two of you made eye contact and you blushed looking down. You saw him walking towards you but his figure was soon cut off by someone else.

"Hey there." They said and you looked up, you raised your brows in surprise when you saw him.

"Sam." You said in shock. Sam was one of Connor's friends, you two had a thing going on but then he said he couldn't deal with a relationship at the moment since his parents were getting a divorce and he had to move the other side of the country and you perfectly understood. The truth was you genuinely liked this guy and when you were with him Shawn wasn't even crossing your mind, but things changed. You spent more time with Shawn and he wouldn't leave your mind.

"Can we talk outside?" He asked and you looked over your shoulder and saw Shawn watching the two of you. You nodded and went out on the terrace.

"Uhm..so here's the thing. I know 4 months went by and I told you that after everything will be over I'll reach out to you?" He said and you coughed awkwardly.

"It's better if I stop you now. I really liked you but now.. I don't think I should lie to myself anymore." You said and he nodded.

"Connor did warn me that you're Shawn's." He mumbled then walked away.

You walked around looking for Shawn but he was nowhere to be found.

"Y/n!!" You heard Connor yelling after you. You looked back and he pointed up.

"He's in your room." He said and you mouthed thank you and rushed up. You entered and saw him sitting on your bed.

"Shawn?" You said and he immediately looked at you.

"Hey.. aren't you supposed to talk with Sam?" He asked rolling your eyes.

"Weren't you supposed to suck faces with Malya?" You asked annoyed.

"Are you jealous?" He asked and you scoffed.

"Are you?" You copied and he chuckled humorless.

"Fuck yeah! Of course I am." He said and your eyes opened wide. You weren't expecting THAT answer.

"What?" You whispered and Shawn chuckled again.

"Oh come on.. do you really think I liked the way his hands were on your body? His lips on yours? That you were his? If you think I see you as a sister you're really stupid. He isn't allowed to have you." He said and you only stared at him surprised. You never saw him so..possessive if you were being honest he was kinda hot.

"I've been doing everything right! I was a little flirty and touchy never too much because I am also a gentleman. Compliment you and ask you out on cute little dates that turned out in friends hang outs. I had to suffer seeing you with all these guys. How those fuckers would mess your heart up! I had to go throw all that. So no he isn't allowed to have you. Because you're supposed to be mine." He said and you shook your head angrily.

"You idiot! That's the one thing you never saw!" You said and hit his chest.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I was always yours. You never saw it." You whispered and put your hands on his chest. He smiled widely and hugged you.

"Hey!!" You heard someone say and you looked back to see Aaliyah. She smirked then pointed above your heads.

"Mistletoe." Said Shawn and you playfully glared at Liyah.

"This was your doing." You said and she just shrugged and walked away. Your attention turned back to Shawn who smiled at you smugly.

"I guess if we have to.." he said and you rolled your eyes.

"Just kiss me you idiot." You ordered and he kissed you. Not only once and not only that night.

Words: 965
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