"So no I don't want you to give up on me"

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You took one more shot and shook your head at the taste.

"Don't you like tequila?" Asked Aaliyah as she down one shot.

"How can you drink it without even blinking?" You asked.

"Girl..I'm 20 I've had time. You on the other hand are finally 19." She replied and you chuckled.

"I feel old." You chuckled.

"If you're old what am I?" Asked a familiar voice and you turned around smiling.

"I thought you wouldn't come." You said then hugged him.

"How could've I missed your 19th birthday?" Asked Shawn and you smiled.

"Ehem. You missed mine." Said Aaliyah and you chuckled while Shawn just shrugged in response.

"So feeling old yet?" Asked Connor.

"Well yeah." You said looking down and Shanw chuckled.

"I'm 23, how should I feel?" Asked Shawn and she chuckled.

"Touché." Said said.

"6 shots please." Yelled Shawn at the bartender over the music.

"6?" You asked.

"Yeah.. guys he's Dave." Said Shawn and a guy with baby blue eyes and blonde hair appeared in front of you.

"Woah." Said Aaliyah.

"I'm Y/n." You said and he shook your hand then did the same to Aaliyah.

"Are you single?" Your best friend.

"Liyah you have a boyfriend." You said jokingly.

"Yes..but you don't." She said looking at you.

"Are you two alone here?" Asked Brian and you shook your head.

"No with Amber and Ashley as well but well.." you said then pointed at your two friends whom where dancing and making out with some random guys they met.

"So Y/n.. I understood is your birthday.." said Dave and your attention turned to him.

"Yeah..I'm 19 now. A kid compared to you I guess." You said nervously.

"Nah.. I'm 24." He said and you nodded.

"Well don't worry.. Y/n is actually into older guys." Said Aaliyah, her eyes focusing on Shawn and you.

"Fuck off." You mumbled embarrassed.

"What does that mean?" Asked Shawn and you shook your head.

"Nothing she's just being stupid." You mumbled.

After a couple of hours of dancing and drinking, just soda though, you felt someone grab your arm. You stopped the conversation you had with Dave and looked up, seeing Shawn.

"I think we need to talk." Said Shawn and you nodded then followed him outside.

You two went outside and Shawn gave you his jacket.

"Thanks." You said but he ignore you. "Are you okay?" You questioned.

"What were you doing there?" Asked Shawn but you just looked at him puzzled. "Being all close to Dave, a guy who you just met by the way, dancing and flirting. You were acting like.. " he said but stopped himself and sighed.

"Like what? A slut?" You asked angrily.

"I didn't say that." He stated.

"But you were thinking it." You said. "What is your fucking problem anyway? You can go fuck whoever you want and first time I'm flirting with someone you act like a possessive idiot." You spat out.

"Look it's just hard." He said and you glared at him.

"What is?! It's not your body nor your life." You said and Shawn ran a hand over his face.

"Is hard to see other men touching you. Okay?! Becuase at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much I'd like to lie to myself, I have to give up on you and on the little hope I have of you loving me the way I do." He confessed and you started crying then grabbed a fist of his shirt, holding it tight.

"I don't want you to give up on me." You said sobbing and he looked at you in surprise.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you know how it is to grow up with someone and try to have their attention on you all the time and try to have as many things in common as them hoping they would love you back as much as you do but at the end of the day you have to accept the fact that they see you only as a little sister? After that confession.. you just- you just washed away all my doubts.. so no I don't want you to give up on me." You cried and he hugged you.

"I won't.." he whispered in your hand.
He pulled away and wiped away your tears then smiled at you.

"Can I..?" He asked gazing your lips then your eyes.

"You better." You sniffled and he placed his plumb lips on your warm ones.

"What took us so long kid?" He asked as he hugged you again and you rested your head down his chest.

"I don't know and I don't care anymore. I've got you now." Yoy mumbled.

"You've got me. Don't worry you've got me." He reassured you.


Words: 795

A/N: Leave feedback and vote!!

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