Broke (Part 1)

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You were breathing heavily as his body was moving against yours but suddenly he stopped moving.

"What?" You asked and he looked at you terrified.

"I think.." he said and you frowned. "I think the condom broke." Said Shawn and you gasped then pulled him off you.

"What the fuck dude?" You hissed and Shawn's scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't never happened to me before." He said panicking.

"I'm going to go and shower. I think you should leave." You said rather harshly.

"Wait. Won't we talk about this?" He asked and you scoffed.

"Why? I'm not your girlfriend." You stated.

"Don't be like that.." he mumbled.

"I'm not being like anything. I'm just facing the truth. I never tried to lie to myself that we're going to be something more than friends with benefits." You said and he ran a hand through his hair.

"If anything happens I'm going to help you out. I'll find a solution for this." Said Shawn and you laughed humorless.

"Where from? Other side of the world?" You asked and he sighed.

"You don't have to be so harsh you know.." he said and you nodded.

"Yes I do." You said then went to take a shower.

You couldn't believe that the chance of 1% for a condom to break was at you. You groaned as you thought that you might've been pregnant but again, people try for months or years and they get nothing. But you having the chance of a condom to break could also the chance to have a baby Mendes on the way so you didn't hope for anything.

When you got out of the shower you saw that Shawn and his stuff were long gone.

"Predictable." You said then shrugged. You went into the living room and sat on the couch. You looked at your belly and suddenly you felt tears rolling down your cheeks. You didn't know if they were happy tears or angry ones.
You always wanted to be mother but not so young. You were only 20. You would've liked around 25 or 30 but it happened.

It's not Shawn's fault either. You knew you shouldn't have lashed out on him but you were panicking so being mad at him was the easiest.

"I should call my mom for advice." You said and took the phone from the coffee table.

After the call ended you understood why you didn't call her right away.

"I bet she's gone to tell Kimberly how holy she is. That bitch lost her virginity at 14." You mumbled then called Selena.

"It's 3 am girl..what the hell?" She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"I might be pregnant." You said.

"I'll be there with booze." She said standing up.

"I can't drink you idiot." You said.

"I know. It's for me. I need to digest this." She said then hanged up.

"Fuck my life." You mumbled.

Selena was at your place within 20 minutes. She brought you icecream and the the two of you were sitting on your couch as you ate the delicious icecream.

"So what happened? How did it happen?" She asked and you rolled your eyes.

"You know when two adults are in a need-"

"I know how sex works! I mean how did it happen that you got pregnant. I thought you were smarter than this." She said and you scoffed.

"We were! The condom broke." You said and she chuckled.

"Do you find this funny?" You asked

"No not at all." She said and you rolled your eyes.

"Looks there's this pill. To one of my friends happened the same thing. You have maximum 3 days if you don't take it till then.. you're a lost cause." She said and you nodded.

"I'll buy it today. In the morning." You said and she nodded.

"Think carefully about it." She said and you sighed.

"I called my mom." You said and Selena raised her brow.

"She started to brag how she told me that it would've been better if I kept myself for marriage but how could I since I'm not like Kimberly? How could I, an actress who played in a movie that's 18+ and had nudity, be as my older singer who's a successful doctor?" You said.

"Ugh please. Everyone knows Kimberly is a fake ass bitch but your mom keeps putting you down and it looks like she's the perfect child." She said.

"Hm, it's not even about my career. It's just me in general. Kimberly could dance on a pool and she'd still be mom's favorite. No wonder dad got a divorced." You said chuckling. "I'm not saying is funny to her a divorce but I don't get how he survived this long." You added and Selena nodded in agreement then frowned.

"Wait a minute..where's Shawn?" She asked and you instantly looked down.

"Don't tell me that motherfucker just left." She said furiously.

"Uhm..I kinda kicked him out." You said.

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