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You were watching Shawn drive, both of his hands on the wheel, he was holding it so tight that his knuckles turned white. He was only watching the road ahead of us with a resting frown on his face and clenching his jaw now and then.

"Careful there, you might as well break your teeth." You said jokingly, trying to light up the mood but he turned to meet your gaze and instead of the smile you hoped her he gave you a dirty glare before turning his gaze back on the road.

You bit your lip, you knew you did something but you didn't know what. He wouldn't tell you but you were too stubborn to be quiet or to leave him calm down.

You placed your hand on his tight and he raised a brow but didn't say anything. You groaned and laid back on your seat.

"Talk to me." You pleaded and he just cleared his throat. "Somethings bothering you, Shawn, talk to me." You said and he scoffed. You took one of his hands off the wheel and held it in yours, he tried to take it away but you held it tightly.

"When are you calling him?" He asked and you frowned.

"Calling him? Who him?" You asked confused and he scoffed one more time.

"Oh, I dunno, your loverboy back there? At the cafe?" He said and you chuckled.

"Damian?" You asked and he shrugged.

"I don't care for his name." He said coldly and you bit your lip.

"I wasn't flirting with him. He is an old friend from highschool. And it was 2nd time in New York. I just helped him." You explained.

"Right, I bet he'd be glad to help you later on too." He snapped and you let his hand down. He put it back on the wheel and you hugged yourself.

"Do you think I'd cheat on you?" You asked and he shook his head.

"I never thought of it. But now I saw that you flirted with someone right in front of me, who knows what you do when I'm not there." He said and you gasped.

"Stop the car." You demanded but he didn't move an inch. "I said, stop the fucking car Mendes, now." You repated sternly.
He sighed and pulled it on the side of the road. You looked outside the window and realized that you were already home.

"Just so you know, that's why I called Connor and Brian last Thursday, I was in a mood of a threesome and I thought huh, who's better than his best friends? But 2 days ago when you were recording the mail came, the post guy was kinda cute so I invited him in." You said sarcastically and he sighed.

"So you're telling me, you laughed at his jokes because they were funny?" He asked and you slapped the back of his head.

"Yes you fucking idiot. Why would I want to look at any other guy when I'm dating you?" You asked and a small smile appeared on his face.

"You, Shawn Mendes, the most handsome and talented guy I ever met? Even though you can be a fucking idiot sometimes." You said and his smile turned into an annoyed expression.

"Okay, that's it, stop insulting me." He said and you chuckled.

"I was never jealous nor caused scenes, just that one time when you ate my curly fries but that's food, that's a priority so is something different.." you said and he sighed and took your hand in his.

"Thank you for being the most amazing girlfriend out there but guys always check you out and flirt with you and we're most of times apart and I guess, it's my fear of loosing you taking over me." He confessed and you kissed his cheek.

"I understand, and I can be jealous, I just don't show it." You said and he frowned.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because, when we were at Connor's birthday party, and Nicole was flirting with you or when Amanda came and touched your biceps, you walked out of there with me and you didn't give them a second glance and I was the one who slept in your arms." You said and he smiled.

"I love you." He said and kissed your forehead.

"I love you too but stop being jealous." You said then went to kiss his lips but he abruptly pulled away.

"What- I was NOT jealous. That was me being a guy that didn't like someone flirting with his girlfriend." He said and you chuckled.

"You just defined what jealous means." You said and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay maybe I was a bit jealous but have you seem yourself? You're a goddess baby!" He said and got out of the car and you did the same.

"Now how about I cook you something?" He offered and you put your hand on his chest.

"Now Shawn, even if you wouldn't burn down the kitchen, I love life and I don't want your failed cooking ruin that." You said and he gasped.

"That's just rude."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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