An And Back Again Christmas

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Although it had been delayed, after weeks in the NICU Reina and Wyatt, now being called Teddy, we're gone and the sleep deprivation has set in. Angel got up, stumbled to the bathroom, and only upon returning did he notice one bassinet was empty and Zara's side of the bed was cold. After checking the nursery, he made his way downstairs to find his wife and son on the couch illuminated by the Christmas tree.

"Merry Christmas," Zara said sleepily, a dreamy smile on her lips.

Angel smiled, "Merry Christmas. He okay?"

"Yeah," she yawned. "He was hungry and now he won't go back to sleep. I didn't want to bother you or Reina."

"Wanna switch?" He offered. "I can take him."

"I'm good," she assured him. "You want your present?"

Checking the time, Angel nodded. "It is technically Christmas."

"It's the small red one with the gold bow," she gestured to the right side of the tree.

Grabbing the box, Angel sat beside her and Teddy on the couch and eagerly tore into the wrapping. Beneath the paper was a ring box and inside, a signet ring with the Reyes family crest and his children's names engraved on the sides.

"Jesus, Z," Angel looked at her in shock. "Custom?"

"Yup," she smiled proudly. "Bastian knows a guy, of course."

"I fucking love it," he said kissing her passionately. "Thank you."

Zara blushed. "We may not have a great history with your dad and EZ but it's our name now, our children's name."

"My gift isn't this great," he frowned.

"I'm sure it's perfect," Zara assured him just as Reina woke. "Someone's hungry."

Thankful for the interruption, Angel put the ring box on the end table and took the steps two at a time. He returned with their daughter, handing her over and taking Teddy to make Zara more comfortable while breastfeeding.

Angel slipped the ring on, loving how well it fit and knowing she had it perfectly sized, while bouncing Teddy gently.

"Did his alarm go off?" Angel asked quietly.

"Once before you came to bed," she told him, "But not since then."

"Good," he nodded. "Shit is gonna give me a fucking heart attack."

"I know," she chuckled. "At least they're home for their first Christmas."

"I was scared they weren't gonna be," he admitted.

"Me too," she sighed. "So, where's my gift?"

"I...I didn't know what to get you," he said shamefully. "I should know but I don't. So," Angel shrugged. With Teddy nestled close, Angel went over to the tree and picked up Zara's gift, placing it on the coffee table.

Carefully, Zara sat up and opened the gift with her free hand. It was a new set of paint brushes, in a stained wooden case, along with fresh paints, primary colors, with bow on each tube.

"Oh Angel," she whimpered. "Thank you."

"Not too bad?" He asked wearing a grimace.

"It's perfect," she assured him.

"I'll even manage these two alone," he said hesitantly. "You can lock yourself in the middle room, listen to music or whatever, smoke up and get some paint on a canvas."

"You heard me on the phone?" She asked.

He nodded. "You sounded like you really missed it."

"I do," she nodded with a frown. "I miss a lot more than just that though," she laughed.

"Long rides," he mused.

"Getting stoned before yoga then coming home and climbing you like a tree," she giggled.

"Sleep," he added.

"Oh god," she groaned, "Sleep and long showers without having to open the door because I SWEAR I can hear someone crying."

"Sex. Just sex in general. Not even yoga sex just my dick insi-"

"Angel," she giggled.

"What? I miss you. I miss your body."

"I miss my body too," she complained. "This is not what I had 18 months ago."

"I still love it," Angel said, biting down on his lip. "I want it."

"Calm down, Daddy," Zara laughed.

"I haven't been calm since the day I met you," he sighed. "Fucking hopeless."

They chatted about all the things they missed, a child in each of their arms, until they dozed for the better part of two hours. Reina woke her family as the sun began to rise.

There were sleepy diaper changes and, while Angel made coffee, tandem feedings until they were ready to officially celebrate their first Christmas as a family of four.

"They have no idea," Zara laughed, offering a loosely wrapped gift to Teddy. "Come on, just rip it once, one little grab and pull," she said excitedly.

"I can't wait for them to know," Angel said with a smile. "Me and E," he laughed, "We'd wait at the steps, staring at the gifts, until we made enough noise to wake our parents. We couldn't wait."

"Me neither and my parents spoiled the shit out of me," she recalled. "It was weird, my mom was always raising me, well, ya know like the way I am today and spoiling with material shit was not something she did, until Christmas."

"I wanna do that," Angel told her just as Reina managed to tear some paper. "Yeah, Rei," he practically cheered. "That's my girl, rip that shit. It's just clothes baby but rip it anyway, get psyched."

"Oh my god," Zara laughed. "You're insane."

"I know," he chuckled. "Teddy," Angel reached over and ripped the paper for him. "See, mijo, a flannel, just like dad."

Despite the time it took, Zara and Angel had the twins rip some part of each gift before actually opening it. Mountains of clothes, a few pacifiers and some toys littered the living room when they were finally done.

"Time for naps," Zara said, noticing the twins yawning. "Let's put them down and we can clean up."

Angel hurried you first, laying Teddy in his bassinet and hurrying back down while Zara got Reina comfortable. When she bounced back down the steps she saw Angel in a Santa hat with a devilish look on his face.

"Angel," she grinned. "What is this?"

"Santa wants some sugar," he said, tapping his lips.

"I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?"

"I like the remix, I Saw Mommy Sucking Santa's Dick," he said, staring at her with a look Zara knew very well.

"Angel," she giggled. "You're on Mommy's naughty list."

"I like it there," he growled before kissing her.

"You've been on that list for years," she giggled into his mouth as they swayed. The kisses intensified and quickly Zara was on the floor beside the Christmas tree. "We haven't had sex in so long."

"It's a goddamn Christmas miracle," he said, pulling his shirt off and kicking his basketball shorts to the ground.

Zara leaned up and followed suit, stripping unceremoniously, while giggling, "Merry Christmas."

Angel's eyes practically glazed over as he climbed over her, his lips inches from hers.

"Merry fucking Christmas."

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