A Paroled Valentine

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"We're doing it," Eva sang cheerfully as Opie woke up. "I'm so excited!"

"Doing what?" He groaned.

"Celebrating," she said forcefully, "And I don't care if you don't want to."

Opie rolled over. "Valentine's Day?"

"You sound so thrilled," she laughed. "I know it's not your thing but I love it and I want to spend it with you."

Opie smiled a little, still sleepy, and nodded. "I don't have to plan anything?"

"No," she assured him, "I know you, babe. It's okay."

Scooting over, Opie kissed Eva sweetly. "Can we celebrate first with some more sleep?"

"Yep," she said, sitting up. "I'm going to make breakfast. I'll see you in an hour."

It was more like an hour and a half by the time Opie made it down to the table. Harry and Eva were already seated, both their plates clear, smiling once he finally joined them.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"You're totally fine," Eva said as she stood. "Heart shaped pancakes with strawberries and bacon, good?"

"Uh yeah," he said eagerly. "What is this, babe?"

"It's our first real Valentine's Day," she shrugged. "It's fun, commercialism aside."

"I didn't get you anything," he said apologetically.

Eva rolled her eyes. "I just said I hate the commercialism. I didn't get you anything either."

He was confused, his expression told her as much, so Eva handed him his plate and sat again to explain.

"I just want to spend the day with my guys."

Opie eyed her suspiciously but sat quietly and ate his breakfast. While he ate, Eva cleaned up the baby and got him dressed.

"When you're done get changed and we can go."

"Where we going?"

"The zoo," she said excitedly. "I think little Harry is really gonna have fun."

"Oakland Zoo?"

"You wanna drive a few hours to a different one?"

Opie chuckled. "Alright smart ass. I'll be right down." He was quick, quicker than usual, but by the time he got downstairs again, Eva was already putting Harry in the car. "Jesus, calm down."

"I just want to leave," she said with a huff.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, shutting Harry's door and grabbed her shoulders gently. "You okay?"

"I'm paranoid," she admitted shamefully. "I keep waiting for Jax or Pop to call and pull you away."

Opie smiled a little. "Nothing's gonna ruin today. I promise."

As they drove further from Charming, Eva relaxed more and more and by the time they arrived she was free of almost all of her worried. Sure, Oakland and Charming were close, very close, but just leaving town felt good. Now all she needed was for the club to have a quiet day in the midst of their current craziness.

"You know, I kind of wish they had polar bears here," she remarked casually.

"Yeah?" Opie asked, his eyebrows raised high with intrigue. "That's random. Why?"

Eva smirked a little. "You always reminded me of a polar bear. Big and burly, and that beard, well, it's getting more gray, and white, as time passes, babe."

Opie huffed. "Calling me old, little girl?"

"Never, daddy," she winked. "Come on, we have a lot to see!"

They followed the map of the zoo and stopped at each exhibit, Harry only really caring about the bigger animals. He clapped and laughed at the monkies and recoiled in fear when a tiger stalked toward the glass but before long he was passed out in the coach.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom," Eva huffed. "Too much water, it's so hot."

"Alright," Opie took the opportunity to sit on a nearby bench.

He felt bad he didn't do anything for Eva. It was pretty clear she loved the holiday, and for all the right reasons, but Opie didn't know and so he didn't think. Now, after a wonderful breakfast and the zoo, which he knew she had planned in advance after seeing she pre-ordered tickets, he knew he had to do something. So, the first thing he gave her for Valentine's Day was a text message lie.

"If I'm not on the bench I'm in the bathroom. You're right. Too much water."

Eva got the text as she was coming back out to meet him. She sat where he had been just moments before and waited, people watching to kill the time, while Opie tried to find something and fast. She waited for ten minutes before she realized it was taking far too long.

"Hey, where are you? Get sucked in?"

"Long line, had to find another bathroom."

She frowned, sensing something was off and decided to walk to the next nearest men's room. What she found was not a long line for the bathroom but Opie and Harry sitting for a caricature.

"Oh my god," Eva laughed. "He's trying so hard."

Feeling guilty for spying, Eva hurried back to the bench and waited another ten or so minutes for the boys to return.

"Sorry," he said breathlessly.

"You two okay?"

"Yeah, totally fine," he nodded.

"Uh okay," she laughed. "Ready to keep moving?"

"I mean animals are animals, babe," Opie groaned. "Why don't we go home and grab a pizza?"

Eva smiled and nodded. "It's early for dinner but okay."

They rode home chatting about the day and when they arrived back at the house, Opie dropped Eva and Harry off.

"I'll pick up the pizza," he told her.

"Uh," she checked the time, "Okay."

"What? You had another idea?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Maybe," she winked.

Opie disappeared and when he returned he saw Harry in his playpen with the TV on. Confused, he walked deeper into the house to hear Eva in the downstairs powder room.

"Hey," she poked his head in the open door. "What are you doing?"

"Ope," she looked surprised. "Hey."

"What are you doing?" He asked again.

She turned around and pushed down the top of her pants. Right below her hip was a fresh tattoo, a crow like the other old ladies, with Opie's name scrawled below it.

"You got it?" He asked with surprise. "You said you didn't want a tattoo. Ever."

"I didn't, but it's your name, Ope. I want everything that has to do with you."

"I love you," he said happily, taking her in his arms, "Thank you, Eva."

"You're welcome," she beamed. "Let's not go another week without you seeing me naked, okay? This was way too easy to hide while it healed."

He nodded with a devilish smirk, "Never again, babe. I got you something though," he said quickly, almost forgetting.

"What?" She pretended to be surprised. "Really?"

"Really, now don't move."

Opie ran back out to the car and returned with roses and a framed caricature of him and Harry, complete with heart eyes and all.  

"Opie," she whinnied. "It's perfect. Thank you."

"I liked this, today, I always hated this stupid holiday."

"New tradition?" She asked eagerly.

"Definitely," he mumbled before kissing. "Winston Valentine's Day, we'll never miss one."

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