An unheeded warning.

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Hobbins peered over his aviators at Alec.
" Babe, are you sure you're ready?" He asked cautiously.
Alec smiled and held his boyfriend's hand.
" We've been dating for how long? I think I'm ready to meet your family."
Hobbins adjusted the glasses on his face.
" Just a warning, my family can be a bit protective. My kids are no exception."
Alec perked up.
" You have kids? How many? What are their names?"
Hobbins sighed.
" Well.. let's see.. there's Cosette, Axel, Conan, Ylva, Apollo, Rosy, Tuuli and Onni, Claudia, Marcus, and Kauko. So... eleven total."
Alec's jaw dropped.
" Wow. That is a lot of kids."
Hobbins nodded.
" Yup!"
Alec sighed and smiled.
" I bet you're a great dad. If your kids are anything like you, then we'll get along great!"
Hobbins nodded and smiled humorlessly.
" Let it be known and recorded that I warned you."

Alec meets the familyWhere stories live. Discover now