Christmas Special

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(First off, happy holidays! I felt like writing a special while I wait for everyone else to wake up so yeah! Also foursome time because it seems a lot of y'all wanted me to keep it between all three of them, Floyd, Griffith, and nick)

As the sun started to barely crest over the horizon outside of his window, Cole woke up. He knew what day it was but didn't think he would get anything, he never did receive any gifts on Christmas from his parents all while growing up. He gently swung his legs over the side of his bed so he could stand up. He remained in his pajamas and walked downstairs to hear the sound of laughing, Floyd, Griffith, and nick were all awake already and enjoying each other's company while they waited for cole. "There's my puppy~" Floyd spoke in a slightly tired tone as he noticed Coles presence. "Good morning..." he said quietly before yawning. He walked over and sat next to Floyd, cuddling into him with a small "hmph."

After a few minutes Floyd gently shook Cole and spoke "don't you want to open your presents puppy?" He asked sweetly, kissing Coles neck gently. Cole nodded a bit before realizing what Floyd had just asked of him "w-wait you got me presents?" He asked, looking at Floyd with a sparkle in his eyes. Floyd chuckled with a nod and Cole smiled wide, climbing down onto the floor next to the tree, he had noticed the presents but didn't think they were for him. He gently grabbed one, noticing most of the ones addressed to him were from "master" which made him blush slightly. He opened a small box, gently and slowly ripping the paper wrapping. He opened the box to reveal a necklace, it looked kind of funny and he looked towards Floyd for guidance. "Look into the black part" Floyd gave him instructions which Cole followed, closing one eye and looking into the black part as Floyd spoke "it says I love you in a hundred languages" he explained which caused Cole to tear up slightly, immediately putting it around his neck "th-thank you master" he said, a soft smile on his lips as he looked at it again.

Time passed as he opened gifts, a few were from nick and Griffith but most were from Floyd. Floyd then had this look on his face, Cole couldn't quiet name what type of face it was but it was pretty clear when he spoke "so we get any presents baby?~" Cole blushed and nick and Griffith looked at each other and then Floyd, was he implying a foursome? Based off his glance towards the other two males in the room, plus a wink, the answer would be yes. Cole started to stutter nervously, his face flushing bright red as he fully realized he would be shared between the three men before him. "Y-yes..." he said quietly, crawling on his knees over to Floyd "o-one for each of you a-and then a group p-present..." he said, trying to flirt, but it didn't work, awkward boy is awkward.

Floyd watched Cole as he nervously pulled down the sweatpants Floyd was wearing, noticing Floyd was already rock hard from just simply watching Cole. Cole knew well enough how to give a good blow job, pulling Floyd dick out from his boxers and licking up the side. It was Christmas already so Cole wasn't going to make Floyd wait any longer than he should, plus he has to give two other blow jobs after this. Cole quickly started deep throating Floyd, hearing Floyd moan and feeling his hands pull on Coles hair. Cole was pretty quick, making Floyd feel good so he could move on to the other two.

After around an hour Cole had finally sucked all three of the men off, he was panting and filled with lust. "Y-you still have the g-group present..." he said, standing and stripping himself of his pajamas. He kicked finally kicked his boxers off and stood nude in front of the three. "P-please... enjoy your present..." he said, implying that he was giving himself fully to them.

He soon felt his wrist get grabbed and he was thrown into the couch, Floyd towering over him as nick sat next to him, quickly latching onto his neck, kissing and sucking, leaving bright purple marks. Griffith stood and sat on the other side of Cole, running his hands all over the boys body. While the other two were playing with Cole softly, Floyd wasn't wasting any time, lifting Coles legs and lining up his dick with Coles entrance, Floyd then thrusted inside while Cole laid on the couch helplessly. "Talk about a good present sweet prince~" Griffith said softly into Coles ear. Cole was biting his lip as he got pounded into. He was used over and over by the three men, each one had a different style, Floyd was rough and hard, Griffith was gentle and slow, and nick was fast and quick. At the same time, the three had different ways of talking and pleasuring Cole while they weren't fucking him. Floyd would whisper sweet nothings into his ear while jacking him off, Griffith would ask questions to Cole, making him answer, loving to see his flustered responses, and nick would suck and kiss his neck and chest, whispering degrading words to him.

This went on and on until all three men were finished with Cole, the poor boy laying on the couch, loads spilling out of his rear. He painted heavily in exhaustion. "What a wonderful present~" Floyd cooed and picked Cole up bridal style "but why don't we get you back to bed" he chuckled seeing Cole smile softly before he passed out.

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