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I feel angry.


I don't know. I really don't know. And I really don't care.

Haven't you ever had one of those days where you just can't help but feel angry? Angry at everything?


        Angry at your superiors, whether it's your boss, teacher, bossy friend, or even parents.

       Angry at the looks they give you when they see you behaving this way, a mixture of irascibility and pity.

      Angry at life for not giving you lemons so you can make lemonade.

       Angry at society who forced things to be this way. Forced you to be: popular, an outcast, a geek, a jock, and all the clichés in the book.

       Angry at yourself for not being the best when you know you can be.

There are 1 million and 1 things that make me angry, and the sad thing is.. no one cares. If your sad then they'll help you with the pain. If your happy then they'll congratulate you no matter the reason. But if you're angry...

If your angry then you have anger management issues.Your feelings are too out-of-control. You are a bitter person who just can't let go. They say that. They all say that. And finally after months on dwelling about these things I finally figured it out. You can't be a HUMAN.

No, you're angry, so you have to be put down. A tear they can handle, but choleric mouth as sharp as a sword they cannot. You are not robot enough. Your emotions are wrong. You are ANGRY. Well I say, to hell with everyone. To hell with what they say. I'm gonna be angry. Just watch.

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