Chapter 1

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" " and bold means Decepticons talking to her/other people
' ' bold means Decepticons talking to her in their mind
" " and italics means she's talking to them in her mind
' ' and bold and italics means kyuubi thinking
" " bold and italics means kyuubi talking

3rd person pov

In the kingdom of Fiore and the town of Magnolia is a guild called Fairy Tail. In the guild are people who treat each other like family. The guild itself is one that never backs down from doing what is right to protect those they all care for. Two mages were fighting like usual as one was eating strawberry cake.

"Oh yeah ice princess? Why don't you fight me and show me if you can really beat me!" Natsu or known as "Salamander" said. Gray, an ice make mage, shouted out "bring it on flame brain!" But before they could fight, the bells of the church began to sound, signaling that someone was returning after a job request.

"She's come back!" One guild member shouted out after bursting through the guild doors.

"Finally she's back!"

"Miyako is back! Yay! I missed her!" Lisanna, a white haired mage exclaimed to her older sister, Mirajane and her older brother, Elfman.

"Miyako is back! I hope she brought me fish!" Happy, a blue exceed, was flying around in circles above Natsu's head as he said that.

The whole guild went outside just in time to see the town reconstruct itself just as two more mages walked up with two exceeds of their own. The Fairy Tail guild said hello to Sting and Rogue as they watched a person wearing a black flowing cloak that reaches the floor walk up as the city reconstruct itself. "How powerful is this person?" Lucy, a blonde haired Celestial mage asked Natsu who was too busy looking at the cloaked person to hear what Lucy said. Gramps was smiling as he watched his child return after a long mission.

The cloaked person stopped when they reached the guild and slowly lowered the hood of their cloak revealing a beautiful young girl with flowing pale red hair in pigtails that reach her ankles and stunning red eyes. She smiled at her guild mates whom she hasn't seen in so long. "Miyako is back!!" Her guild mates shouted as they swarmed around to give her hugs and tears of joy. She smiled and hugged all of her friends that she has missed before pulling out her Decepticon toys that she brought from her world, places them on the ground and everyone who knows them backs away except Lucy since she's still confused on who the pale red haired female is. Everyone watches as the toys began growing to their normal size being as tall as the guild doors and Soundwave, being the silent type, showed Makarov a video that he took of Miyako fighting alongside Knockout and Breakdown.

Breakdown gave the finishing blow with his hammer that he transformed his servo into. Everyone looked at Miyako and her transforming friends before cheering. Lisanna ran up to Miyako and hugged her who equally hugged her back with a smile and tears streaming down her face. Elfman and Mirajane hugged her back with tears of joy as well. Natsu and Gray joined the hug as well as Erza. Gramps and the three Decepticons hugged the group as well.

The new people who haven't met Miyako were confused. Happy began telling them about who Miyako is and where she was when she wasn't around the guild. "Miyako is like Gildarts, she's an SS-Class wizard. She normally takes the most difficult jobs when no one else would. She's a very famous wizard. She's known all around the kingdom for her beauty. Miyako can I join the hug, please?" Miyako smiled as she nods her head and Happy's eyes lit up in happiness as he flies to her before hugging her and snuggles her as well. Miyako's eyes lit up in laughter as she hugs Happy before pulling out a fish and hands it to him. His eyes lit up in excitement as he takes the fish tells Miyako thank you and begins eating it while flying overhead.

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