Christmas Day Epilogue

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Christmas Day

New York City, New York


"Ah, look. This is much more like it," Oliver said, striding into the parlor and looking directly at the couple on the settee.

Felix had an arm draped around Nora, once again damning etiquette. They were—thankfully—betrothed now, and he didn't suspect Mrs. Williams would mind, considering. The matron had nearly fainted when Nora had informed her of the good news.

Leo popped into the room behind Oliver, and though Felix enjoyed both of their company, he didn't particularly appreciate it at the moment. He wasn't ready to share Nora and probably wouldn't be for a year or two. Maybe ten.

"The two lovebirds...together at last," Leo said, a sly little smile playing on his lips. "What a very merry Christmas, indeed."

Oliver heaved a sigh, dramatically. Felix had quickly learned that Mr. Rockwell did that a lot, and he couldn't help but smile at the other man who he'd thought was his competition but was really anything but.

"Thanks to me," Oliver said, proving Felix's internal thoughts. He looked pointedly at them on the couch. "You're welcome."

Oliver then walked to the Christmas tree, inspecting the ornaments that Felix had brought Nora. He gave one a little spin as if testing out its ability to do so. Felix resisted the urge to tell him to knock it off, lest their letters would scatter around the floor. Not that Oliver hadn't already read them all, he realized.

"You?" Leo asked, as if the idea were incredulous. "I brought the stubborn man to America. They should be saying thanks to me."

Oliver whipped around and tilted his head sardonically. "And who needed more prodding in this situation, eh? Mr. Lovey-Dovey over here or Ms. I'm-Just-Going-to-Talk-to-My-Dog-and-Die-Alone?"

"Dear me," Felix heard Nora mutter. But he knew she wasn't upset; he could feel her shoulders shake slightly as she chuckled. "I should hope that's not what they're calling me."

"Don't worry, darling. No one shall call you that," Felix murmured across Nora's fiery hair with a laugh, so that only the two of them could hear. Leo and Oliver weren't paying any attention, regardless. "How does Mrs. Graham sound to you?"

"I'm just saying," Leo continued on. He was waving his hands around while trying to prove his point. "If I hadn't been traveling to Boston anyway, where would we be? Not planning a wedding, I expect."

Oliver was grumbling, tilting his head back and forth. "Yes, yes, I suppose," he finally muttered. "Perhaps," Oliver drawled, "we can call it a team effort."

"Yes, fine. I can agree to that," Leo said reluctantly. And then the two men actually shook on it, as if making some pact. Then they followed each other back out of the parlor as quick as they had come in. Felix shook his head in amusement. He couldn't be upset, because they were right. Felix wouldn't be here with Nora right now if it weren't for them.

"Mrs. Graham sounds wonderful," Nora murmured, twisting to look back at him.

Her eyes shone brightly, twinkling with a bit of Christmas spirit in them. Felix had always wished that he could capture the magic of Nora to keep with him during the holidays, and now they were here...together.

Felix looked down at the book that was sitting in his lap.

"I already gave you your present, but there is something I wanted to read to you," he said, opening Jane Eyre with one hand. Nora snuggled into him, and his heart nearly didn't survive the pressure of joy.

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