The American

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Boston, Massachusetts


New York City, New York


Felix had come to the decision that he would be traveling to New York City. He had come this far; he might as well go all the way.

He didn't precisely feel confident about the decision since he had yet to hear back from Nora, but he had decided it nonetheless.

However, Felix's lack of confidence was precisely why he now wandering down a crowded street in Boston, looking for something that he could bring with him to New York—something that might boost his chances, if only in the smallest of degrees.

A present. It was nearing Christmas, after all. Who could say no to a personally delivered Christmas present? And luckily, Felix knew exactly what he wanted to buy for Nora. The only problem was that he couldn't find anywhere to purchase it.

The shops in Boston were bustling as everyone prepared for the upcoming holiday. Felix passed through a central square where trees had been cut for seasonable profits. The fresh scent of pine and sap wafted through the chilled air, where it mingled with the sounds of jingling bells and children laughing. The overall effect was idyllic, and for a moment, Felix missed home. England was equally charming at this time of year.

Felix smiled as he thought about it, pushing his way through one shop after another in hopes of finding Christmas tree ornaments. He knew that Nora positively adored the holidays, and so what better gift than something that embodied the spirit of the season.

When he had set out to find ornaments, Felix figured that he would be able to pop into any store to acquire what he was looking for. He hadn't realized that they were not widely accessible in America yet, at least not until the first three shopkeepers had looked at him like he was speaking in tongues when he had inquired about it.

Nevertheless, Felix was set on finding some hanging decorations, and so he continued to search. As the afternoon began to drag, Felix was about ready to give up on his idea when he saw a storefront with a Christmas tree decorated in picturesque ornaments, precisely as he would have found in England.

It was no surprise, then, that when he burst into the quaint store, he immediately saw—or rather, heard—that the shopkeeper was a portly Englishman with a kind face.

"Good afternoon, Sir," the shopkeeper greeted him, his sharp British accent apparent upon the first breath.

"Good afternoon," Felix replied as he rubbed his hands together to warm them again. "I'm looking to purchase a set of ornaments such as the ones displayed in the window."

The shopkeeper's already ample grin spread even further. "Ah, a Brit! Of course. Hoping to find a little piece of home?" He gestured for Felix to follow him to a shelf near the front of the store.

"I suppose you could say that," Felix said, smiling back. He was hoping to bring a little of England to Nora. And he was looking to find a bit of his home in her. Because on this cloudy, Boston day... Nora was the sunny English countryside. When Felix closed his eyes and thought of home, pictures of her laughing on his front lawn flashed through his mind.

With the Englishman's help, it didn't take Felix very long to select a set of figurines that were strikingly similar to the first one he had sent to Nora. They were quickly wrapped up with a large, floppy bow, and soon Felix was trotting off through the streets of Boston once more.

Arriving back at the Tremont Hotel just before dinner, Felix trudged up to his guestroom, flung the door open, and collapsed on the bed. He sat, staring at the ceiling for some time, not bothering to keep track of the minutes as they passed.

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