Life Update

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Hello all,
Unfortunately this is not a new chapter, just an update on where things stand right now (you know, since it's Christmas and all.) My grandmother passed away last month and it hit me pretty hard. I haven't been able to write or find joy in any of my hobbies since then. The holidays have been really, really tough this year too. I'd hoped to use my time off from work to get back into this story, but I can't find it in me to turn away from my family when time with them is so precious.

I know I'm disappointing all of you and for that I am profoundly sorry. I see every single one of your comments, and the lovely/encouraging/funny ones put smiles on my face for sure. I appreciate them so much, even when I feel like I don't deserve them.

I hope this answers questions about my absence. I did not mean to ghost you all/disappear again. I wish I had more time to give to creating free stories and I wish I could find the words to write the next installment of this one. I hope I will find them soon.

In the meantime, I'm wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, and a wonderful new year. Hug your loved ones and never take a single moment for granted ❤️❤️❤️


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