"76"-Prologue Pt. 2

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Basic survival instincts kick in early once the body makes the proper adjustments. Shelter, food, and water is the most basic. What if that was to change for someone?

A lady wakes up from the floor. It was covered in different variety of religious symbols. She recognize each of them as her eyes moved across to each. She didn't know why those symbols are there, but only; that she has an insatiable hunger lingering behind her. She could barley breath or think. The hunger only grew in intensity each passing second she was awake. " Hello! Glad to see you're up. Protect yourself 76. Welcome to the Rings." A lady appeared in her head only showing her lower face and neck. Then the wall closes to her back side open up. She turned around and saw red liquid in 20 vials.

" Oh those twenty vials of blood should be enough to hold you over till you find what you want to eat on. Good luck surviving." The lady explain to her what they were then left.

76 look at the vials and started to water at the sight of it. She stands up and slowly walks over to the wall of vials. Hypnotized and following blinding to the sight of them. She picks up one of them and ever so slightly pop the cork off keeping it sealed from spilling. As the cork flew down to the ground the iron scent of blood spread across the room like wildfire.

76 eyes started to hurt and begun to turn dark red. She immediately devoured nineteen of them in one go. She notice a mirror was near the vials inside the wall. 76 begin to walk toward it to see she is a a older lady but still good enough to hold her own. She may look old but she see the vial of blood helps with that. She kept the extra with her. Towards her right side she sees two swords and the swords sheaths. She walk towards them to admire the craftsmanship of the sword smiths who made it. It look to be made between the era of the 1600s. A note was under them that read:

"The Hidden Twin Blades"

A small note written beneath the title from someone:
Even though you hate me,
I will always keep you.

The blades themselves look to be stain in red with red handles that also hold secret blades to them. She takes them both and the sheaths and begin to put them on. She finally notice that she is wearing out of all things was a red dress. She takes one of the swords and cuts it to help with mobility. Now she has to find a way to get out and looking around the room. Two walls and then two weird walls going out then in. She couldn't understand why she was there or who brought her here?

The lights suddenly turn off in the room. 76 drawing out her swords and prepared to defend herself. The outward door open which filled the room with more darkness. She listens closely to hear a low growl. As she tries to see if she can remember sounds but nothing comes to mind. The growl growing louder and louder from the other side of the open space in front of 76. She held her breath to keep herself quite. She could see about sixty feet from the dark which is helpful. "Good thing to know" She thought to herself. Quickly she wrap her hair up in a ponytail.

The monstrous and low growl started approaching 76 slowly. As she adjust to get a better view she redraws her swords and begins to walk forward. The monster growls before letting out a big roar. It was a full blast of sound wave which appeared in the air like rings from a droplet falling in a glass of water. The force of the roar pushed 76 back. She steady herself and lucky didn't lose her balance and only went back ten feet. "Ah, your pretty strong beast eh? Let's see if I'm good at killing from what I have collected since my awakening." 76 stated to the monster before running towards it.

The monster begin to run at her and as she begin to see the monster form to be something unknown to her knowledge of anything. It had four arms, black fur covering itself. The face had no features of her kind from what she can tell. She thinks it resembles a a mix of a dog and a human. Probably an experiment of sorts. As she was thinking what it could be the monster swung it's right side and knock her against the wall. She gasp for air remembering that she hasn't been breathing the whole time. "You're a puny little woman. Why would they make me fight you?" The monster spoke. A deep voice followed with its on strength behind it. It booms and echoes across the room as if it could cause shivers like the dead night of winter.  "Please...I believe we both know that we are powerful in some ways. One thing is the same between us beasts." 76 replied back with a smirk the monstrous beast stares her down.

" What would that be girly?" He spouted back, a single drool slowly dripping from its face.
" We both don't know which one is better at killing do we?" 76 days then she disappeared. The beast stood confused for a moment then listen to see if he can find her heart beat. Chuckles forms from his lips and realizes who he is fighting against. "You may be fast. Hopefully you've have a plan to make this more interesting before I feed on your flesh!" The beast roared. Shaking the ground and walls of the rooms.

" No," 76 said as she appeared behind the beast on it's back. One of her blades is in front of the beast neck and the other behind it. " I prefer I try your flesh. I have a feeling I might enjoy it." As she finished her words the beast tried to knock his head back to disarm her. Her blades cutting through his neck. Cutting clean as if not a scratch was on him. The fur around his neck slowly falling down to the ground. The blood beginning to seep from the visible cut made by the blades.  Only thing he could do was say one word," Freedom..." The slight deep whisper echo through the room including the thump of his head hitting the floor. The base of the neck from  the body was gushing blood out in all direction but one. 76 appeared different and more vicious. She stared down at the neck of the beast and heard the most beautiful sound. She wondered where it was. Dropping one of her swords she begins to reach her hand down the beast's throat. Half her arm stuck down the neck to pull out a beating red heart. The color and the smell of this beast's blood set off something inside her. She looks over to the mirror and goes to see herself. She stares at herself  holding a sword in one hand and the other is the heart she pulled out from the dog beast's throat. Her eyes were the color of the blood that is across her face and on her hands. The blood itself started to absorb into her skin making her skin more smooth and clear. Her hair turned to a brighter solid red.

"So I am a monster that feeds on beings for their blood. Intriguing." She says to herself. The room then turns on. The light blinded her eyes for a brief moment then sudden she opens them and then sees that the black beast's body is gone. The head and heart remains along with the blood left of the floor. "How could that have disappeared?"76 asked herself aloud knowing she won't get an answer. Then, the lady before  came back. " Hello 76. I am proud of you! Your prize is that heart and head. You also get to have one question answered and a special surprise for taking down Black Hound. Their kind usually never lets someone get the upper hand on them." The lady tells her.

76 thought for a long minute as to what could she possibly ask? She knows that her new survival skills involve something more than what she thinks should be a normal human diet." What am I?" 76 asking her question to the lady. The lady then appeared in front of 76. A blue digital image of a woman. Showing only that she was was in a long dress covering all her limbs. Taking steps closer to 76 right before taking a look at her. " Well before I do that let me tell you my name. You can call me Lady in blue." She says to 76


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