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Tsukauchi, true to his word, had an arrangement ready in exactly two weeks. Once I started school, I would be going to train and study with Tsukauchi and the other officers he worked with every other day afterwards. It meant I wouldn't get much rest, but I didn't sleep much anyways. At least now I would be doing something productive instead of browsing the internet for cat videos. 

I had applied for the UA general studies program months ago, and gotten in, but the idea of going to such a prestigious school was still nerve-wracking. The whole  reason  Bakugo's bullying got worse was because I had gotten into UA same as him. But that didn't matter now. I wouldn't have to deal with Bakugo and his superiority complex anymore. I was going to become a detective, and he couldn't stop me. 

But even if I never ran into him again, who's to say I wasn't going to find a new bully? Someone else to tell me how worthless I am without a quirk, and kick me around to make themselves feel better about not being a hero? Someone to tell me how useless, awful, hopeless, stupid, weak and purposeless I am? Who I know, deep down, is right about me? I spiraled like this for a while, the little nagging voice inside me repeating Kachaan's words over and over and over. Finally, I forced myself up and decided to go to the Animal Shelter nearby. How could I bee a sad piece of shit if I was surrounded by cute animals?

I looked out the window to check the weather.  It was raining out stop I pulled on a few jackets, grabbed my umbrella, and headed out. I texted my mom that I was at the Animal Shelter as I walked so she wouldn't worry when she got home from work.  The rain had started to pick up, and there weren't too many people stupid enough to be walking around in the middle of a rainy afternoon, so I got there pretty quickly.

I walked inside to the front desk, and the kid working the lined up from his laptop. He had messy purple hair, and looked like he hadn't seen a bed since the previous week.
"Heya. What 're you here for?" He asked, rolling a pen between his fingers.
"I'm here to pet all the animals. Can I go in?" He snorted at that.
"Yeah sure. I suggest you start with the cats if you're not looking to play with 20 puppies at once." He opens the door and waved me through. "I'll probably join you in just a few minutes when my shift ends." I laughed and walked towards the glass room labeled cats. I went through both sets of doors and was immediately surrounded by cats of all kinds, snuggling my legs and jostling for my attention. I found somwhere comfy to sit and enjoyed the snuggles.
Pretty soon the purple haired boy from before came in. We talked for a while, I learned his name was Shinso, and we exchanged discord accounts so we could chat more. Finally I left (with a surprise) and stopped at the store before I messaged my mom that I was on my way. I made back to our apartment and unlocked the door.
"Izuku! Welcome home! How was your day?" Mom gave me a big hug, hardly noticing the cage I'd set down.
"So mom remember when you said good lady me get a pet if I got into UA?  Wellll... I got a cat!" My mom looked surprised for a moment, then broke into a smile. "Izuku, your should have tons be you wanted a cat! I would gotten so this good and stuff ready for it!" I handed her these bag I was holding and opened the cage.

(642 words)

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