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Shinso's POV

Shinso sat shaking on his bedroom floor. He had a panic attack because he thought his old bully was going to attack him? This is my fault. I put him in that situation. I made him uncomfortable to the point he had a panic attack and he didn't want to tell me. What the fuck is wrong with me! How bad of a friend can I be! To think I could have been more then a friend to him... His anger quickly turned to shame as tears rolled down his face and his breathing became heavier and heavier. He covered his mouth to try and keep from anyone hearing, but it was too late. The door opened slowly, revealing one of his dads, the hero Eraserhead. Aizawa frowned as Shinso tried unsucsessfully to hide his damp cheeks with blankets.
"Hitoshi, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" The hero sat down on Shinso's bed, and easily caught the pillow sent flying towards his face. "Hitoshi, this isn't a mature way to deal with your feelings. Please just talk to me."
"No..you wouldn't get it." Shinso said, glaring at his dad with the same cold look other people gave to him throughout his childhood.
"You don't know that Toshi. Is it about that Midoriya kid you told me about earlier?"
"Well is it?"
The hero knew that look. He knew Shinso was going to use his quirk on him, but he was too quick, and by the time he had even tried, his quirk was erased.
"So what if it is?" Shinso sighed. He knew he wasn't going to get past his dad. Aizawa replied, "I need to know the source of your pain to help you." Aizawa hoped that would get his kid talking, and it did.
"Dad, I feel horrible because I was mad at my only friend for walking out on me when I didn't know he is being threatened with death by another kid who I don't know, which was giving my friend a panic attack and pushed him to the point where he left because he wasn-" Shinso was cut off by his dad,

"Toshi, stop. Take a deep breath and try to calm down a bit." Shinso hadn't noticed it, but his heart rate was steadily increasing, and his breaths were getting shallower and faster. He took a few deep breaths and instantly felt better.

"Sorry, dad, it's just that he means a lot to me because he is my first and only true friend." Aizawa gave his son a tight hug.

"Toshi, I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You need to talk to Midoriya, face to face, and clear things up. "

"But what if he doesn't want to see me? He probably thinks I hate him right now." Shinso covered his face with his hands. "He probably hates me right now. And I deserve it."

"You'll never know unless you try. Hiding in your room and never talking to him helps no one, especially not you. Believe me, wallowing in your feelings only makes you feel worse."

"You're not gonna tell me I don't deserve it?" The purple-haired boy elbowed his father in the ribs.

"Well, no. He should be mad at you. You were being a bitch, and I'd be worried if he wasn't mad," Aizawa wrapped an arm around his son. "But that doesn't mean you don't deserve to be forgiven." Shinso smiled

"Thanks dad"

"No problem kiddo. Now—" Aizawa said, stretching. "Your father is in the car. We need to get our asses to the mall and grab your school supplies before all the good stuff's gone."

"Let's move then!" Shinso raced his father out to the car.


Shinso and his dads stepped out of their car, the bright light hitting their eyes. When they walked inside they were greeted with loud music, and the room being 20 degrees warmer with all the people surrounding each store.
"Where are we going first?" Mic asked.
Aizawa sighed.
"Hizashi..we went over this in the car- were going to the store next to the hot topic and then the food court."
Mic dumbfoundedly smiled as the group pushed their way past the crowds of people. When they turned the corner, they immediately noticed what seemed to be the longest line in the store. At that store there was a bright yellow banner that read "Limited Edition All Might Figurine!!".
"Midoriya would love that.." Shinso thought to himself, feeling more guilty then ever. "I wonder if he-"
Shinsos worrying was interrupted by one of his fathers.
"Isn't that the kid you were talking about earlier...Midoriya right?"
Shinso looked over and saw him and another green haired, slightly shorter woman next to him, who he could only assume was his mom.
"Alright alright..." Aizawa continued, "Shinso you stay with Papa to go get school supplies."
"Where are you going?"
"None of your business kid." Aizawa replied, swiftly turning around and walking into hot topic to look at the cat shirts on display
"What's up kiddo!" Mic almost yelled, (playfully) slapping Shinso on the back as they went inside and started looking around.
"Woa, kid, look at this!" Mic squealed, pointing to a purple case with cats on it. He only got a hum in response.
Shinso wandered away from Mic, sluggishly dragging himself across the store. Shinso was up late last night as usual, like a fucking idiot. He looked over to see if Mic had been looking for him, but what he saw in front of him was a shorter, green haired Izuku Midoriya.
"S-Shinso?! Umm I gotta.." Midoriya quickly backed away before stumbling off towards a short woman who Shinso assumed was his mother.
Shinso mouth hung open, to suprused to utter a response. He pushed past the crowd, left the store and went to the bathroom. He stumbled into a stall and locked the door, almost blinded by tears. The bathroom was completely empty besides him, so he didn't bother muffling his sobs. His whole body was trembling, and he was crying so loud he almost wouldn't have heard someone else walk in if they hadn't been humming something that sounded suspiciously like All Star. Shinso shoved a fist into his mouth as he forced himself to quiet down. As soon as he heard a stall door click shut, the purple haired boy quietly opened the stall door, hoping to escape without whoever it was noticing he was there. He was almost to the door when one of his vans squeaked against the linoleum flooring."Whoa wait, there's someone else in here?" He heard a hasty flush and watched as, in slow motion, the lock clicked and the door opened wide. 

(1113 words)

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