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Hey everyone, sorry it took us so long. Plotting chapters sucks. Anyways, we'll be more productive now that we've got time off. Enjoy!

Kaminari's POV

The only other person in the bathroom was some purple troll doll lookin ass guy standing frozen halfway to the door with his hands on his face wiping his eyes. That dude was a fuxing mess with ruffled hair and heavy eyebags underneath glossy red eyes. His blotchy red skin was still shining with tear tracks. But even as awful as he looked, he was still pretty damn cute- I'm being gay again aren't I?

Whatever, he looked like shit.

"Hey dude you alright?" I asked.
He took his hands off his face and looked at me, seemingly panicked that someone else was in the bathroom.

"Uh....not particularly. Who are you?"His voice was high and reedy with anxiety, cutting off in a painful squeak. He looked like he was about to puke.

"Why are you crying in a mall bathroom? That's high key concerning my guy." He bit his lip awkwardly.

"Well... I um... You see I..." He sighed, shoulders slumped with a defeated look on his face. "I fucked up. Big time."

And it all came spilling out. Every last detail.


"Dude..." We sat on the floor of the bathroom, with the door locked to keep out any nosy people. "I'm glad you were able to talk about this. Keeping things bottled up sucks literal ass" He gave me a weak but genuine grin.

"Yeah, it really, really does. Now..." He gave me a quick once over, and I felt my cheeks burn. "Who the fuck are you."

"I'm Kaminari! Denki Kaminari" I said, awkwardly sticking my hand out for him to shake it. He hesitated for a moment before obliging. I couldn't stop myself from smiling

"Well then, stranger, who're you?" He rubbed his neck uncomfortably, almost burying his face in his elbow. A vibrant red flush started to creep across his soft cheeks down to his perfectly sculpted jaw and- GODDAMNIT DENKI! NOW IS NOT THE TIME! NOW IS NOT THE FUCKING TIME! "Hey, dude? You still there?" I forced down my gayness to focus on the situation at hand.



"My name... I'm Hitoshi Shinso."

"Oh! Well nice to meet you Shinso! Now let's going!"

"Going? Going where?"

"To find this Midoriya kid, duh. And besides-" I grabbed his hand and started to lead him out of the bathroom. "After you spill your guts to me like that, I figure I at least owe you lunch"

His face somehow turned even redder.

"... Ok"

We raced out into the crown, ducking and weaving through the busy late summer madness. I felt Shinso's hand tighten around my own as we ran.

"So what does he look like?" I had to practically scream to be heard over the mass of shoppers flooding the stores.

"Huh? Midoriya?" Shinso thought for a moment. "Kinda plain."

"Really helpful."

Shinso grinned, but soon enough was lost in thought thinking about that guy."Like a piece of broccoli. Green, fluffy, the whole nine yards. Oh, and covered in freckles. Probably wearing hero merch."

"Got it. Let's goooooo!"

I skidded to a stop by my mom to pick up my roller derby skates. "I thought you were going to the bathroom and then get lunch?"

"Change of plans. Me and Shinso are going to find some other friends of ours and then all get lunch together."

"And what about your poor, aging mother? Don't you have to take care of me?"

"... Mom you're 32. Anyways we gotta hurry and get our skates on!! Pleasee?"

Mom laughed and handed me my bag. "Don't kill anyone! I don't wanna do the paperwork!"

"Yes ma'am!" I slipped on my skates and passed my new friend my heelies. "Put those on. I think we're about the same size. That way you can keep up!" He laughed and started changing his shoes.

"You're crazy man."

"I'm twice as bad when I'm allowed to use violence. You should see me in derby! Total madlad!"

So anyways we started blasting (insert Danny Devito meme here) through the crowds at a terrifying speed, the crowd parting like it was the fucking red sea and we were Moses.

"Holy fucking shit why can't we use one of those animal scooters" I heard Shinso nearly scream in my ears. 
"Funny seeing such a tough guy be afraid of roller skating, pussy!" Did I actually just say that out loud. My life is fucking over. "Uhhm I'm sorry, i didn't mean that, I just-"

"It's alright, honestly now fucking pay attention!"

"OH HOLY SHIT! HOLD ON!" I barely managed to swerve around somebody with black hair and weird elbows. Familiar elbows.. "Sero!? What are the chances!"

My best friend turned around and I smiled as I slid across the floor, while the guy I had met in a bathroom a few minutes ago clung to my arm for dear life. "Hey man! How ya doin'?" Sero glanced over at the purple haired koala clinging to my arm. "Who's your new boyfriend?" He gave Shinso a once over so withering it could've made flowers crumble. "I didn't know you were into twinks." Shinso went redder than a firetruck, choking on whatever he'd been about to say.

"He's not my boyfriend Sero. We just became friends today!" I patted Shinso on the back as he wheezed.

"That's never stopped you before."

"Sero I swear if you don't shut up I will drink your spinal fluid like it's a fucking caprisun. Now are you gonna help us or not."

"That depends entirely on what you're asking me for help with."

Shinso finally caught his breath and said, "We're looking for my friend Izuku Midoriya. We could use the extra eyes. You in?" Sero grinned with mischief. 

"Only if Pikachu buys us lunch."

"Deal!" Sero grabbed his heely wheels from his backpack and popped them in. 

"Ready!" They both grabbed my hands as I prepared to become Sonic the Hedgehog once again. 

"Hold on tight!" We sped off towards the balcony to search for this Midoriya from above. "I don't see anything dude. Maybe he left?" Shinso slumped over the railing. 

"Yeah maybe he d-"

"Guys I think I found him! Broccoli looking dude right? He's with his mom by the food court!" Seero pointed to two greenish forms by the pretzel place.

"Shit! Let's go then we gotta hurry!" I dragged them towards the escalator and pushed through the crowd. "When we slide, make sure to keep your legs shut. Got it?"

"Why the fuck would I- OH SHIT OKAY!" Shinso screeched as I jumped on the center divider, ankles crossed for safety, and slid all the way down to the ground floor with the boys right behind me. We linked hands once again and skated over to the food court, landing right behind the Midoriyas, sweaty, messy, and out of breath.

"Hi. Midoriya right?" I wheezed.

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