Chapter 1: Why did she do it?

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A/N: Hi! It's the author, back at it again with another fanfic. This one is also based off a portion of a dream I had (that's yet again how I got the idea), and it's on the more sad/dark side, but with a happy ending. This is rated PG13, but it might be more mature and dark compared to my other fics.
Let's get started.

Have you ever loved someone so much that the very thought of losing them makes your heart ache?

Yeah, I felt that way. And I felt it more deeply than anything I have felt in my life.

Hi, I'm Arnold Shortman. I'm 22 years old and my girlfriend, Helga and I just recently graduated from college.

Well, ex girlfriend, I should say.
I just don't want to accept the fact that she dumped me.

She was at my house. Not the boarding house. I moved out of there and got my own place. The boarding house is an amazing place that will always be in my heart, but I didn't think I was gonna live there forever.

We were at my house, and everything was fine. We were watching TV. But she suddenly paused the TV and her face got all serious.

"Arnold... I can't do this anymore." She said, in a weak tone.

"Do what anymore?" I asked.

"Us." She said.

I was so confused. Yesterday, there were no problems between us. We were very madly in love. Why did she tell me she wants to break up?

My heart dropped, and I tried to blink back my tears.
"Why not?" I said, my voice breaking, trying not to cry.

"I don't think it's going to work out.
I have to go." Helga told me.

"Wait!" I said as she walked out the door.
She didn't listen. She left and the door slammed.

I broke down in tears. I have known Helga my whole life and I am more in love with her than I ever have been. As cheesy as this shit sounds, I will love her more tomorrow than I do today.

And I thought she loved me too. She always has, since they day that we met. She's always wanted to be with me so why the hell did she leave?
It didn't make any sense.

I was actually thinking about proposing to her soon.
We recently graduated from college, and we've been together for a while so I thought it would be a good idea.

But she just walked out the door, both figuratively and literally.
It just happened out of nowhere.
I started sobbing so loud, and all I could hear were my tears and the sound of her saying "I can't do this anymore."

I cried until I fell asleep. I haven't cried myself to sleep since my parents were missing.
I woke up the next day, with dried tears still on my face.

I checked my phone, and I had twelve missed calls and ten texts from Gerald.

Why was he trying to get ahold of me for this long? I must've been asleep for a long ass time to get all this contact from him.

I picked up my phone, and I called Gerald.

"I was sleeping..." I said sadly.

"You fell asleep at 4:30 PM and didn't wake up until now?" Gerald asked.

"I was tired." I said.

"You sound sad. What's wrong?" Gerald asked.

"I don't want to tell you over the phone." I said.

"Okay. We'll meet at Slausen's." Gerald suggested.

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