Part 1

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It was a beautiful day in Pallet Town and a certain boy was just waking up for the day. Ash Ketchum had just returned home from the Kalos Region after competing in the League. Clemont was fast asleep in his sleeping bag on the floor while Serena and Bonnie were in the living room. Delia Ketchum had offered for Ash's friends to come stay for a while as they considering exploring the Kanto Region. Clemont sat up and rubbed his eyes before slipping his glasses on and yawning.

"Morning, Clemont!" Ash said as he stood up and stretched.

"Morning, Ash. Wow... I didn't realize how tired I was!" Clemont laughed as he stood and stretched. "That trip really took a lot out of me."

The two boys washed up, got dressed, and made their way into the kitchen where Delia and Serena were cooking breakfast and Bonnie was sitting on the couch fixing her hair.

"Good morning lazy bones!" Serena greeted them. "Guess you guys were more exhausted than you thought!"

"Ashey! Come sit, dear!" Delia chirped as she put a fresh plate of pancakes on the table. Serena was right behind with a plate of freshly cut fruit.

Ash and Clemont took a seat and Bonnie skipped over to the table. She picked up a strawberry with her fingers and popped it in her mouth.

"Bonnie! That's rude. Use your fork!" Clemont scolded.

"Oh, no worries at all! Delia smiled. Once everyone was seated and had food on their plates, Delia took a seat as well.

"So, where are you guys going to go in Kanto?" Delia asked.

"I'm not really sure yet!" Clemont responded.

"Are you guys gonna keep traveling together?" Ash asked between bites of food.

"I'm ok with it!" Clemont said.

"Me too!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"Hey Ash... what are you going to do now?" Serena asked him.

Ash paused. "I'm... not really sure right now." He said in a quieter tone.

The gang continued to eat their breakfast until there was a knock at the door. Mr. Mime opened it to reveal Tracey standing there.

"Ash! I'm glad to see you" he smiled.

"Tracey! It's good to see you again!" Ash stood from his seat and ran over to his friend. "What are you doing here?"

"I came by last night but you were all asleep already. I figured I would try again in the morning. Professor Oak asked me to come grab you guys. He received a phone call last night from someone you know, and it's about something you may be interested in." Tracey informed.

"Oh! That's great! Let's head over right now!" Ash exclaimed.

"Right now?" Serena asked.

"I'll meet you guys over there! I still have some errands to run." Tracey said as he began to leave.

"Ok! Bye Tracey!" Ash called.

"You're serious, Ash? You've barely spent any time home!" Clemont said.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see what Professor Oak has to tell us! This could be a whole new adventure!" Ash said.

Delia appeared from the hallway with Ash's backpack - once again fully stocked. She also gave him a new red hat that he could wear.

"I know what Professor Oak is going to tell you! But I promised him I would let it be a surprise. But you'll want to adventure." Delia said with a small smile. She was sad he was leaving but she knew it's what he really wanted to do.

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