Part 2

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3 Days Later-

"Good morning! Welcome to the Sinnoh Pokemon League. What a beautiful day to kick off our Tournament of Champions! The matchups will be posted at 9:00AM and our first battle of the day will begin at noon! You don't want to miss it!" the voice over the PA system announced excitedly.

All around the League there were vendors, food stands, and souvenir shops. You could find the faces of the Champions on any item imaginable. Cups, mugs, blankets, shirts, hats, notebooks, pencils, and more had the faces of Lance, Steven, Cynthia, Alder, and Diantha plastered onto them. One stand even had dolls of them and action figures. There were booths that had carnival games to keep kids busy, and someone had even brought a Pokemon petting zoo. There were 4 open training battlefields for people to challenge each other for fun to get pumped up for the Tournament start. People flooded the property, and everywhere you looked you could see some kind of Champion merchandise. Ash and his friends stepped out of the hotel and instantly were met by a sea of people.

"Wow... I wasn't expecting this to be so busy!" Serena exclaimed.

"It's not everyday you see all of the Champions of the region face off." Brock said.

"It's sure to be an interesting battle indeed." Clemont agreed.

"We should grab something to eat." Ash suggested.

"You're always hungry... but for once, I agree..." Serena said as her stomach growled.

"Let's just walk up and down the rows of vendors until we see something we like." Dawn suggested.

Ash and the gang pushed their way through the crowd until they got to the part of the property where all of the food stands were set up. There were cookies, waffles, ice pops, and all sorts of food with the faces of the Champions. They stepped to the side and onto the lawn underneath the shade of a tree. They had seen everything, and now they had to decide what they wanted. If they would've stopped in the middle of the path, they would've been trampled.

"I have to admit, this whole thing is a little more than unsettling..." a voice said from behind them.

"I completely agree. I wasn't expecting this to be such a big deal." another voice said.

Ash and his friends spun around to see two women standing behind them. It took Ash a moment to process who it was because both women were wearing disguises.

"Hang on... do we know you?" Dawn said.

One woman wore a pair of black jeans with a black V-neck T-shirt. Her hair was tied up into a tight bun and hidden under a black baseball cap that had a pokeball design front and center. Her eyes were hidden by a pair of black sunglasses. The other woman wore a white pantsuit with a matching white floppy sun hat. She also had her eyes hidden behind white brimmed sun glasses.

The two women simply chuckled. "I guess we picked better disguises than we thought." the blonde said.

"Wait a minute! I know those voices!" Brock exclaimed. His eyes suddenly turned to hearts and he was immediately on one knee in front of them. He took one of each of their hands in his own and planted a gentle kiss on the tops. "It's none other than the stunning Champion Cynthia and the dazzling Champion Diantha! My loves, please forgive me for not recognizing your beauty sooner! No disguise could ever hide the radiant glow of — AHHHHH" Brock was cut off when Croagunk jabbed his side with a poison jab attack. It immediately caused him to collapse onto the floor. " A-a short... break... might be... well needed..." Brock croaked out weakly as Croagunk dragged him away from the group.

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