Damn Nerd -TodoBakuDeku

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Sorry if you don't like TodoBakuDeku just skip this chapter if you don't like the ship.

Bakugo's POV
"That damn nerd why does he have to be so hot"I wispers to myself because my boyfriend Todoroki is next to me. "Babe what did you say?" He says picking his head up from the pillow and looking at me. "Nothing. I said nothing." I say staring at my boyfriend. "Bakugo don't lie to me, we're you talking about Midoriya again?" He looks at me waiting for my answer, I didn't want to tell him the truth in case he wants to break up with me but I can't lie to him so I told him "yes I was thinking about Deku...." I wait for a reply "ok then let's invite him to go on a date with us" Todoroki says looking straight at me to see if I show a reaction.... I did "What the hell why would we invite that damn hot, Nerd hell no!" I scream at him. "Babe, I know you like him and I like him too, so why don't we go on a date all together." He says to me to see if I say yes. "Fine but one date, ok!" I say making sure he hears me. "Ok only one date, get some school clothes on we are going to Midoriya's room right now." He says hoping out of bed and taking of his pjs to put school clothes on. "Fine" I say hoping out of bed and getting some clothes on.

Deku's POV
I've liked Bakugo for some time but I just realized I like Todoroki Kun too, what am I going to to. I think shoving my face into a pillow, then hear a knock on my door so I get up and open the door and there is Kacchan and Todoroki kun. "Hi, what do you need?" I say look up at the couple. "We would like to know if you would like to go on a date with me and Bakugo?" Todoroki says looking at me with a small smirk on his face. L"both of you?" I say confused. " Obviously you damn nerd, are you stupid or some shit." Bakugo says turning away from me with his arms crossed. "Um yes I will go on a date with you both!" I say looking at them both

Time skip cause I'm a lazy bitch and it's still deku's POV

I arrived at the restaurant waiting at the table for them it's a very nice restaurant, and seems very expensive. That's when I see them both in nice suits Todoroki in a red one well Bakugo in a dark gray. "Hi guys!" I say looking at them. "Hello Midoriya now I have a few rules if we are going to continue this relationship" Todoroki said pulling out a piece of paper in his pocket "RULES! Fuck rules I don't follow that shit." Bakugo said with his face looking like he was about to flip the table. "Todoroki kun can we do rules after the date please?" I say looking at Todoroki then Bakuogo grabs my hand and holds it. "Yes" he says putting the piece of paper away. We have the rest of are date and it was amazing.

AN: no one is going to give a shit about this chapter but I will get back to posting tododeku soon

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