I love you ~Angst~

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"Todoroki I'm not lying to you!" Izuku yelled at him trying for him not to leave

"You don't have to lie to get me to stay Izuku I know when to leave and it's now, I loved you Midoryia" Todoroki walked out of Izuku's dorm leaving Izuku crying on his bed in hurt.

"Why did you leave! What did I do to you ever!" Izuku yelled crying trying to let out his emotions and being honest to people so he took out his phone and texted Kirishima.

Izuku: Can you come over to my Dorm?

Kirishima: of course bro is everything okay?

Izuku: I need a friend right now...

Minutes later Kirishima shows up with some pop/soda and chocolate "bro I'm here what's going on?" Kiri says in a sweet voice talking to him setting the stuff down to hug him

"He broke up with me because he didn't trust me..." Deku cried into him feeling like a burden
"Well fuck him then I'm here and I'm your friend, it's going to be okay" Kiri held him hoping everything would be okay soon

"Thank you Kirishima" Izuku hugged him back for a little then let go of him wiping his tears. "I don't understand what I did wrong, I love him so much but he doesn't believe me" Izuku looked up at Kirishima

"Well you know how a lot of people in his life have wronged him and lied to him he might think you will do the same thing" Kiri said before getting up to go. "Talk to him that's all I can say you should do" Kiri left but before he did gave Izuku a hug.

"I love you Todoroki" Deku said as he wrote it in a note for him before putting it in a envelope and leaving it at Shoto's door going back to his dorm....

AN: I'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger you are welcome

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