3 - vow

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requested warning: this chapter may give you the feels, very emotional vows

July 12, 2016 - 6:42pm

The front door to the apartment suddenly flew open and swung shut behind a flustered Min Yoongi.

"I'm here, I'm here! Sorry I'm late!"

Yoongi rushed to his boyfriend's side after being in his makeshift recording studio at home all day. He got a lot done, but the moment he sat in that chair in front of the audio equipment, it was like a time warp. By the time he emerged the sun had long since set and he was at least an hour late for dinner at Hoseok's place.

"It's fine. I kind of knew this would happen so I started cooking an hour later. So, lucky for you, the food's still hot."

Hoseok led the way into the kitchen and Yoongi was taken aback at how much work Hoseok had put into their meal.

"Candles?! You wouldn't happen to be trying to get laid, would you?"

"Mayyyyybe," Hoseok laughed. "Sit down already."

They ate their meal and Yoongi played parts of the tracks he was working on from his phone. Yoongi was elated when Hoseok asked to listen to one of his tracks several times, because it was also his favorite that he'd made so far.

They cleared the dishes together and Hoseok washed as Yoongi dried and put them away in their respective homes in the cupboards. They had a system.

Yoongi and Hoseok began dating a year ago, and what Yoongi loved best about their relationship was that they'd always felt as if they'd known each other a long time. As if before they met, they'd both been looking for each other.

The first time their eyes crossed paths at a concert, Hoseok had been jumping around like some sort of happy lunatic in a seat across the aisle from Yoongi. Their eyes met and it was as if the concert no longer existed. Hoseok's top priority was to fight through the crowd and find out the name of the dark-haired boy that looked at him as if he might be the life-giving sun.

They had their first dating anniversary last month and it baffled Yoongi to think that it was just their first. But, perhaps, when there was a connection as deep as theirs, time passed differently. Or maybe he was full of it.

Hoseok turned off the faucet and reached out a hand for Yoongi's towel. It was shaking.


"Yoongi, I need to talk to you. Can you come with me?"


December 31, 2019 - 8:15pm

Yoongi tore his eyes away from Hoseok's and became painfully aware of where he was and the fact that he could not hide.

The procession was about to come to a close and Yoongi could hear the music change as Jimin and his father stepped into the doorway of the wedding hall.

Don't think about him.

Yoongi had a mini-argument with his inner thoughts: if he spent his energy specifically not thinking of Hoseok, he would still be, by default, thinking about Hoseok.

His fingers absent-mindedly tapped out the piano notes on his thigh. He alternated sliding his tongue over his top teeth and behind his bottom teeth.

across the aisle (short: yoonseok/sope)Where stories live. Discover now