Chapter One

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What happens when an alternate universe finds out about the things that go bump in the night, will they run? Will they simply try and hide, or will they accept what they see and move on? I'm not sure, however, I will tell my story from the beginning.

On a brisk Autumn evening, just before the sun fully set I walked out into the empty streets of Alteria, it's a small city just outside of Bemoich, not a soul could be found without knocking on the doors of the buildings. I walked in the fading light dressed in a nice blue button up shirt,the first two buttons left undone, carefree in a way. My pants were nice black slacks that were held up by a simple black leather belt,simple black socks and nice black shoes. The evening breeze felt amazing on my sun kissed skin, what strands of my dark auburn hair that didn't reach my tight wolf tail danced in the whispering winds.

The indigo hues of my irises took in the beauty of the fading sun, a small smirk on my soft thin lips. My jaw line was somewhat gentle and feminine, yet it also looked strong. With my long legs carrying me to where I wished to go at a slow pace it was easy to take in every beautiful ray of sun, all too soon I was at the door to a club for the LGBT community. Smiling ever so slightly I pushed the door open slowly and let my eyes adjust to the dim lighting, my ears on the other hand would never get use to the loud thumping music. It was to say the least, annoying.

Slowly I walked into the building letting the heavy doors shut behind me, this was it, the night my family prepared me for. The moment of truth would be tonight if I could find someone to take home with me, for my kind, I am a full adult. I have work experience with humans, I went to human school and I even had friends that my family met. Since I was the only one that had done so well with keeping our secret they wanted me to be the one to bring the things of nightmares into the light and show the humans that we mean no harm and want to live in harmony with them.

It all came down to this night. There is NO room for failure, I promised my family that I wouldn't fail. With a calming breath to settle the butterflies in my stomach, something I never had to deal with before, I take a few more steps into the club and make my way to the bar with a calm demeanor.

Once I reached the bar one of the bartenders walked over smiling brightly, it was a bit warming. She had ivory skin, brown wavy hair that brushed passed her shoulders, she was skinny with a sleeve tattoo of a werewolf and a pack of wolves with white roses speckled with blood. That told me that she was into the things that go bump in the night, however, it could have just meant that she was a fan of the horror movies.

"Hello there, never seen you here before. New in town?" She asked me as her milk chocolate eyes roamed my frame slowly, she seemed to like my strong shoulders and my own ink that rested just under my shirt. It was placed on my chest; however, the full tattoo was above my heart so she was only seeing about a fourth of the actual ink job.

"New to town, no. I am new to this club though, I happened to just turn 21 this month so I figured I would stop in and celebrate by myself." I said in my smooth, low toned voice with a small half smile of my own. I noticed that the woman smiled more as she listened to me, her hands moved under the counter and pulled out two shot glasses.

"Well then, happy late birthday, drink is on me, hot stuff." She said with a wink before she turned and grabbed a bottle of Vodka from the alcohol shelves, turning back around she poured the liquid into the small glasses. She raised one glass with a wide smile, "Cheers to you coming of age and gracing us with your dashing looks." The last part was a teasing manor.

Slowly I picked up the glass with a smile still in place, "Cheers." I said softly and we both knocked back the Vodka, we placed the glasses down. She gave a small cough while I just smiled, "Not used to the alcohol?" I teased her back slightly, "Thanks for the drink." I said as I sat on the stool and turned to watch the women dance, there were some women that could move in ways I had never seen before.

"So, are you looking for a nice one to take home for the night?" The bartender asked as she leaned a bit closer to me, her breath slightly whispered by my ear. I would be lying if I said that it wasn't pleasing, it sent a slight chill down my spine. I could smell her floral perfume among all the different alcoholic beverages in this place, I could even feel her body heat against my back.

"Honestly, I want something longer than a night. I was kind of hoping to meet the one to make the nights more bearable for me, I'm just tired of being alone." I said as I turned to look at the woman, my eyes met hers.For some reason, she stood up and cleared her throat as she poured us another round of shots, I found that a bit odd but perhaps the cause of it was something I had said.

Not long after our second shot the music turned from loud and fast to slow and even, some would say romantic. I turned to watch people partner up to dance together, for me it was easy to tell the friends from couples, and the couples from strangers. I sighed softly as my body laid back against the bar, my elbows on the bar top for support.

It wasn't long after I found out why she had cleared her throat, a woman with golden blond curly hair was walking over. Her eyes were a lovely baby blue, her lips had a lovely cupid's bow and her lips were painted a beautiful light pink. She had very little makeup on, however, in my opinion she didn't need any of it. Her body was slender and with a c-cup breast size, unlike my b-cup. She had slightly wide hips, as my father would put it, her hips suggested her body would be prime breeding.

After that thought, I closed my eyes to focus on the single woman as she came to the bar, her scent was refreshing. Like a gentle ocean breeze with a trickling rain, it was something I had yet to smell in this city. I opened my eyes to see the woman glancing at me, I offered as mall smile which she returned. That was when I noticed the spilled alcohol on the left hip of her red dress, my smile slowly faded.

"Not such a good night?" I asked her as I turned around facing the bar once again, my arms folded in front of my chest. The woman used some napkins to dab at the wet spot, she then looked back at me with a small smile. I took note that the smile didn't reach her eyes, it saddened me a bit. She held her hand out to me, I accepted the hand gently and shook it gentle.

"Hi,I'm Chloe. As for the night, it's good. Well, was, until I got bumped into by my ex who spilled her drink on my dress." She said with a small smile, I noticed that her eyes becoming watery. It really bothered her, bumping into her ex like that. About that moment, she lowered her head to hide the tears that were now slowly rolling down her face, slowly I reached my hand over and gently brushed her tears away.

"I'm Kazuyo, pleasure to meet you,Chloe." I said with a soft smile before I spoke anymore, "I'm sorry for the rough evening, did you come here alone or with friends?" I asked hoping to cheer her up a bit. I got a small smile from her as she looked at me.

"Well Kazuyo, since you asked,I had come with a few friends, however they already left. It would seem that I'm on my own for the night." She said a bit sadly as she played with a strand of hair that hung over her left shoulder, I took note of it. "You are really easy to talk to..." Chloe admitted to me.

I smiled at that, "Thank you, Chloe. You are easy to talk to as well." I said with a small half smile before addressing her further, "Would you like to join me in a dance while the slow music is playing?" I asked as I stood, that was when I noticed that I stood a good five inches on her. I told myself that it wasn't important, however, making this woman happy tonight seemed to be my only care in the world right now.

Chloe just stared at me for a moment as if she was shocked, then a small blush spread over her cheeks giving her light milky skin a pink charm. She then nodded and reached for my hand shyly, I must admit, this woman was very adorable. "I can't believe you want to dance with me... with my dress being ruined and all." I heard her murmur softly.

Gently grasping her hand in mine I lead her to the dance floor, "It isn't about your dress, Chloe. I just want to make sure you have a goodnight." I said honestly as I placed my left hand onto her hip and held her hand in my right as she placed her right hand upon my shoulder. It was true though, I just wanted this angelic woman to have a good night. My family be damned for the night.

"Kazuyo,wherever you came from and whoever your parents are, I thank them.You are like a true knight in shining armor." She said happily as we moved to the music, I believe the song playing was 'I Just Died in Your Arms' by the Cutting Crew. A tragic romantic song, but one I was happy to dance along to with this woman.

I smiled and twirled her once before pulling her back to me in a slow and gentle manner before whispering into her ear, "If I'm a knight in shining armor then that would make you a damsel in distress." This got her to blush darker and look in to my eyes, the setting was something out of a damn fairy tale movie. This would have been the part where I would lean in and kiss her, however, I didn't.

"I guess that it's true. Kazuyo, you are a smooth-talking woman. But I kind of like that, so thank you for being my knight in shining armor for the evening." She said before she lowered her head and placed it against my shoulder as we continued to dance, for a second I was at a loss of what to do but quickly found out as she giggled and whispered up at me. "It's okay to wrap your arms around me."

A warm smile came to my lips as I did just that, my arms wrapped around her small waist and held her to me as we swayed in time with the song. Her scent wafted to my nose and I closed my eyes as I swayed with Chloe, for an unknown reason this just felt right. It was like we were puzzle pieces and we fit perfectly together, a creature of the day and a creature of the night... It just seemed so poetically tragic.

All too soon the slow songs ended and the more up beat ones began playing, Chloe slowly stepped back and gave me a shy smile, "Thank you, for the dance. It was wonderful, Kazuyo." She said as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. I couldn't help but notice she seemed a little sad as an awkward silence overtook us for a moment, I wouldn't let it continue... I just had to do or say something, anything!

"Chloe, would you join me fora drink?" I asked her as I tried to not get bumped into by all the people around me, Chloe nodded so I offered her my arm which shes lowly took. I lead us back to the bar and waited for her to sit before I followed suit. Another bartender walked over and smiled as she seen us.

"Oh my god, you two were like, the cutest couple out there on that floor. Chloe, you got a good one this time girl."He said as he mixed her a drink. Gauging from what he said, she was a regular here. That didn't bother me at all, hell, I may be back in at times.

Chloe blushed deeply, "Mike, that isn't funny.I mean we just met and all, besides, I bet she already has a girl she goes home to at nights." She said as she played with her hair once more, Mike set the drink in front of her before looking at me.

"So miss, what can I get you to drink tonight?" He asked as he placed his hands on the bar top as he waited, I was about to answer but the woman from before came back. "Mike, we need glasses washed kid."She said as she walked over and seen me.

"Well, my Vodka drinking buddy is back at last, another round of shots?" She ask edas she got the shot glasses from under the counter, I simply nodded before looking at Chloe. I smiled at her after she took a sip of her drink, she smiled back but again, it was a sad one.

"Chloe,listen. We just met and all but, would you like to spend the night with me at my apartment?" I asked before downing my third shot of Vodka that night, Chloe had gone quiet so I feared that I was scaring her off so I cleared my throat to speak again. "You don-"

"I would love to, Kazuyo." Chloe said cutting me off from what I was saying, however this now left me with a soft blush on my face. She took another sip of her drink before she smiled at me, past her I could see Mike grinning like he just won a million dollars. However if they were friends I could see why he would be happy for her, if the other bartender hadn't come back when she had I bet I would have been ears deep in questions.

I stood from the bar stool and offered Chloe my arm with a warm smile, could tonight be any better? I've got this goddess agreeing to come home with me, of course I was also a bit nervous. The pounding in my chest was becoming more than I could bare as I waited, Chloe watched me for a few seconds. Those simple few seconds felt like minutes, however as she reached for my arm a loud ringing came from my back pocket. I slip my right hand into my pocket and pulled it out looking at the number, I about dropped my phone.

My eyes meet Chloe's own,my throat felt dry as I tried to decide what to do.

"I'm terribly sorry, Chloe. It's my father calling, I have to go." I say sadly, her expression broke my heart. She offered a small smile, godfather why have you forsaken me?!

"I would love to see you again, Chloe." I say as I turn and write my number down for her, I pick the napkin up and hand it to her. "Just give me a call or text and I will meet you anywhere." I say before bending down to place a gentle kiss to her cheek before I turn to leave.

Once outside my anger shone bright in my eyes as I made the long walk back to my childhood house, I'm sure that whatever he had to say could have waited. I had forgotten that my phone was still in my hand and I was applying pressure, the protective case creaked and I realized in enough time to not break the object. I slip the phone back into my pocket continue the long walk.

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