Chapter Eight

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The elders were highly respected and said to be the wises of our kind,not wanting to offend them I stopped a few feet away and bowed to them. A slight whispering came from the elders as they too bowed, I found that kind of odd honestly. I stayed bowed even when they stopped, it was custom to show respect and the back of our neck.

"My, how you've grown Kazuyo." Said an older woman,stepping closer to me she placed a hand onto my shoulder and made me stand, "No need to keep bowing, you are the alpha now." She said as she turned to the three other elders, a kind smile in her thinned lips.

"My brothers, this young woman will be a wonderful alpha. You can mark my words on that, from what I've seen and felt about her just now. She's a true alpha. Like Conri was and his great grandson Clancy. Our pack is complete and will prosper from her greatly." She stated, however she confused me. Seen and felt? What was she talking about?
"Perhaps, let's introduce ourselves.My name is Elvin, the woman by you is Clair. The man to my right is Mark and the one to my left is Blaine." Elvin said kindly. He had long white hair that was braided, the tail of the braid was at his knees. His skin was darker than mine and his eyes were a bright gold, there were scars over the bridge of his nose.

Clair was thinly built, her hair was red and down to her shoulders. Her skin was lighter than mine, freckles over her nose and on her cheeks. She still looked as young as 25, her eyes were still bright and full of life in a wonderful silver hue.

Mark stood tall and proud,his skin tone was very close to mine. His eyes were like mine as well, even his hair was close to the same shade. His hair was short and combed back, his strong facial features really stood out. His arms were folded over his broad chest, he was very intimidating for sure. He was staring me down, frankly it was pissing me off.

Blaine was standing beside Mark and looking at me as well, he was the oddest looking one. Tall and far too skinny, his hair was a wild mess of brown and bright green eyes. He looked weak but from what I remember about my kind is, the less muscle one has, the quicker the strikes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I said with another bow, "How may I service you?" I asked as I stood up again, Clair just smiled at me and patted my head.

"Dear pup we are hereto service you. We're here to talk about that awful man and our alpha that rid us of him." She said gleefully a hand still on my shoulder, she squeezed it gently. I looked at her to see her smile.

"She's right, pup. You may be younger than other alphas before your time however it's been foretold that a young female alpha will make us one with the humans so we may once again walk in the sun without fear."Mark said as he placed his hands onto his hips as he spoke.

"You are the first female alpha, you're dating a woman. So how will pups come from this?" Blaine asked causing a bright blush to come to my face, Clair and Elvin shot him a look and he looked away from them.

"Do not worry pup, your brother filled us in on your medical issue. Most of us have gathered how this can work that is way we give you our blessings on being with Chloe." Elvin said with a gentle smile, I nodded but then shook my head.

"So I don't have to fear for my life over killing my father?" I asked as I looked at Elvin who slowly shook his head, I sighed in relief. Dust gave me a thumbs up, it got me to smile.

"Vixen has something to say to you, Kazuyo. When we found out what happened between the two of you we were worried, when we got here Mark used his gift to see what happened between you and Therin." Blaine said as he smiled brightly at me, it was creepy really.

Vixen walked over to me slowly, my body reacted on its own and took a defensive stance. She looked at me then at the floor as she rested her left hand on her right arm, she was nervous. I wouldn't let it catch me off guard though.

"Look, Kazuyo I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me at your house. That's not like me to just attack someone, let alone someone as important to Dust as you are. I hope you can learn to forgive me one day... I think it would be pretty amazing having a bond with you like Dusty has, I want my pups to know their aunt as a strong and kind person." Vixen said as her eyes began to water as she spoke, I relaxed some and watched her before sighing softly.

"It wasn't your fault, father took control of your mind. He made you do his bidding because he knew I wouldn't want to hurt you. However I knew you were never a fan of me after what I did, so if you can forgive me then I can forgive you."I said as I watched her closely, she looked at me.

Vixen took a step to me and I got defensive once more, she stepped back and bit her lip. The tears now spilling over and rolling down her cheeks,there was a lot of tears and it was surprising.

"I want to hug you, if that's okay Kazuyo..." She said still biting her lip,slowly I stood back upright and nodded slowly. I could feel everyone's eyes on us, it was so unsettling. Vixen slowly walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my midsection and hugged me for the first time ever.

I was in shock, the hug was so warm. I gently wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged her back, she felt so small in my arms. She tightened the hug, I could feel a wet spot forming on my shirt. Frowning I rubbed her back trying to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry for never giving you the chance... I could have been a better sister-in-law to you but I was just too stupid and fearful. You're not a bad person and when push comes to shove you'll protect everyone even at the cost of your own life. I greatly respect that about you, I'll never be that strong." She confessed to me, I chuckled and closed my eyes.

"I wasn't about to let my brother die for my sake, that would have been pointless." I said as she let go of me and stepped back, she wiped her eyes and face with her sleeves and whispered an apology for the spots on my shirt. I didn't care so I waved it off and told her it was nothing.

The next few hours were talking with the elders about what's happened, what my plans for the future were. We spoke about what to do with this house, Dust didn't want it. So it would be left to me... Did I want to take on this much responsibility?

"You know what... I'll keep the house. I'll fix it up and decorate it for Christmas. I'm sure Chloe would love to see it." I said fondly,brother and I spent many Christmas' here... Running around playing tag, helping decorate and bake cookies... Before long I felt the sting of tears in my own eyes, I closed them and sighed softly.

Not much longer the elders left, each of them encouraging me to follow my heart and to do my best. They were nothing like father had said when I was young, none of them were scary.

"So, you have a lotto do before Christmas sis, would you like some help?" Dust asked me as he patted me on the back, I looked up at him. His warm smile put me at ease, I smiled back at him.

"I'd love the help,truly. And I want you guys to be here for Christmas." I said as I looked at Vix who smiled and nodded. I felt a light tugging at my shoe lace and looked down to see one of the twins, I wanted to pick her up but I know how Vix felt about me interacting with the pups.

"You can pick her up, Kazuyo. The pups need to know their aunt after all." Vixen said to me. Slowly I bent down and picked her up, she squealed like babies do and then laughed. I held her and smiled, she was adorable. She had her mothers golden hair and green eyes but Dust's skin and nose. She flailed her arms about while she laughed and cooed at me.

"Well hello there pup, it's great to finally meet you." I whispered before gently kissing her forehead. I wasn't sure if I was holding Rain or Mist and I really didn't care, all I knew was I loved my nieces and was happy to beholding one of them.

"Rain seems to really like you, I can see why. I'm a huge fan too." Dust said with a dopey grin, rolling my eyes I smiled and gently tickled Rain's stomach causing her to squeal with laughter.

"Baby Rain... So she's got the green eyes, that means Mist's eyes are blue right?" I asked Dust who nodded, Rain managed to hit the tip of my nose with her tiny hand. I smiled while rocking her slowly, it wasn't long after that she fell asleep.

"Well sis we really should get going." Dust said as he gently took Rain and hugged me, I walked them all to the door and held it open for them. Dust was the first one out, as Vix was leaving she stopped and hugged me. I hugged her back, then placed a kiss to Mist's forehead since Vix said it was okay. As they left I waved, once they were out of sight I shut the door and sighed.

It took me days to get the house cleaned up, the kitchen was spotless and so was the grand living room. Since it was getting colder I got afire going in the fireplace, I sat on the rug in front of the fireplace and stared at the flames for a bit as I warmed up.

Only two weeks until Christmas. I still had a lot to do before then, I was already fully moved into the house and buying decorations left and right to get everything ready. Dust had come over to help me decorate and and to get a tree from the mountains, the tree was a Fraser Fir.It fit perfectly in the large open space before the grand staircase,I had down a large silver and teal tree skirt to catch and falling needles.

Once all the wall decorations were put up and the outside lights and decorations were up it was time for the ones for the roof. Then all that was left would be the tree and a few things for the table and the counters in the kitchen as well as the mantel for the fireplace.

It took about five days for Dust and I to handle the decorations ourselves, I was resting on the couch dozing off thanks to the warm fire. My phone was in my breast pocket when it began ringing, I sat up with a start and quickly answered the phone.

"Hello?" I greeted as I tried to calm down from being scared nearly half to death.

"Hey Kazuyo, It's Vix. I've got the girls with me, we're heading over while Dust is as work." Vixin formed me just before pulling up in the driveway. I knew she'd need help so I walked to the door and pulled my boots on and tied them,however the door plowed right into my side as I was tying my left boot.

Vix peeked around the door and bit her lip, she came around leaving the door wide open. The snow was blowing in from outside, I sat up rubbing the side of my head. Mist giggled and made grabby hands at me, I smiled and held my arms out for the baby.

"I'm so sorry Kazuyo, are you alright?" Vix asked as she handed Mist tome. I nodded and waved her off as I stood holding Mist and walked to the couch, I was baby talking to Mist and she was laughing at me.

Vix ran back outside, when she got back my ears perked.Two sets of footprints in the snow. Who the hell did she bring with her? I turned in enough time to see Chloe walking into my house, she looked about frozen.

"Chloe? Hey come over here, the fires nice and warm." I said as she nodded and walked over and set a box in the chair before walking over to me and kissed my cheek, watching her I smiled. Mist giggled and flailed her arms around in my face making me laugh, I kissed her forehead and sat on the couch next to Chloe who was still shivering.

Vix handed Rain to me and setup their play pin close to the couch so it wasn't too close to the fireplace, she then put the babies in the pin. I frowned but I had another baby to hold, I smirked and gently moved Chloe onto my lap and held her close.

She leaned into my warm body and stopped shivering as much, "Thanks." I heard her whisper softly, nodding I rested my chin on her shoulder and pressed my warm cheek to her cold one. She sighed and leaned further into me, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her.

"I'm glad you're here, I was missing you bad but as you can see I've been busy." I said sheepishly as I looked at her from the corner of my eye. She nodded and closed her eyes.

"I've been busy with work, and I've missed you too." She said before turning her head to place a kiss on the tip of my nose, I wiggled my nose not being use to that. She giggled and smiled at me.

"Would you two just get married already?" Vix teased us, it caused us both to blush and look away.She laughed at us, so much so that she was crying. "Oh my god you two are so cute!" She said as Chloe stood up and was about to pounce her cousin but a puddle of melted snow was under her snow boots.

Chloe slid and was falling backwards, quickly I caught her and held her close to me. "Hey, careful." I said as I looked at her face, she was blushing darkly and I was worried. Chloe smiled softly at me and kissed my cheek.

"Still my Knight in shining armor even though it's cold." She teased me, I rolled my eyes but hugged her closer. She hugged me back and took her boots off and set them by the fireplace to dry.

I got a towel for the floor and cleaned up the water, after that Vix Chloe and I got to talking about Christmas and what the plan was. Since my house was so large I said I'd host the party here and they both agreed, Chloe more so due to it being the first time I'd meet her parents this house would let them know she's be well taken care of.

The girls were here for a few hours and in that time we got the tree decorated and the star on top and lights plugged in, we stood back and took in the sight. It was beautiful to say the least, Chloe took my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back and gently kissed her, to say the least,we were together.

"Alright girls, it's time for me to get ready for work so I need to drop Chloe and the girls off at her house." Vix said with a smile, Chloe nodded and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

All too soon they left and I cleaned up the floor and walked into the kitchen and got things decorated, Vixen's words got to me. Maybe...It's time I proposed to Chloe, however I need her parent's permission first.

I pulled on my thick coat and got my keys, I hardly ever drove my car because I prefer to walk. It's too far of a walk in this cold so car it would be. I walked to the garage and got into my Tundra and started it before opening the door, slowly I backed out and drove to the mall.

I figured I could do my Christmas shopping now since I was out, first thing's first though. I walked to the best jewelry store and browsed what they had. After finding one I liked and that suited her I paid for it and put it into my pocket.

I was in the mall for around two hours and I had just about everything I needed, I had boxes and bags to carry though it didn't bother me. I walked into the baby story and got the girls some new outfits and toys, this was their first Christmas so it was up to aunt Kazuyo to make it special by spoiling them.

Once I was finished I carried everything out to my vehicle and put it all in the back, I had one more stop. I needed wrapping paper and tape, so I went to a store on the way back to my house and picked up a few rolls of paper and a few rolls of tape as well. I had just gotten back into the Tundra when my phone went off.

Chloe: 'Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?' She texted me at the perfect time, I'm starving and there was something I needed to do.

Me: 'I would love to, invite your parents and dress a little fancy, please." I texted back hoping that she wouldn't mind, I buckled up and started the vehicle before my phone buzzed again.

Chloe: 'Are you sure you want to meet them now, I mean Christmas isn't that far away.' How adorable, she's worried about me. I smiled while responding to her.

Me: 'I'm sure, I want to meet them tonight. That way it'snot so awkward on Christmas day, I want to get to know them now that way it'll break the ice.' I texted back and waited a few moments for Chloe to respond.

Chloe: 'Okay, I trust you. I'll call them right now.'

Me: 'Great, I'll come pick you up in an hour.' I sent the text before calling a friend that owed me a favor from a few years ago. I called his work phone.

"Hello, this is Jerio,thank you for calling Woodwind Kitchen. How may I help you tonight?"He greeted, I smirked.

"Hey Jer, it's Kazuyo. I need your best table in a hour. I'm meeting my girlfriend's parents tonight."I told him, he chuckled.

"It's been a while, no problem.Just tell the waitress your best friend hooked ya up alright?" He said happily, I can understand why. It's been a while since we last saw each other, let alone spoke.

"Thanks man, I owe you one." I told him only to be shocked over his response.

"Hey,no need to thank me. You're not only my best friend and sister, but you're my alpha. I've got you covered so no worries man." That crazy bastard, I smiled. "See ya soon man." With that said I hung up and drove home. I then carried everything inside and set it on the couch and covered the mouth of the fireplace with its screen before I rushed upstairs for a shower.

I had 20 minutes before we had to be there, so I got dressed and dried my hair and pulled it into my wolfs tail like normal. I buttoned up my teal shirt and pulled on the black blazer and then fixed the tie, nodding I grabbed my coat and threw it on and checked my pockets for my phone, wallet and keys.

Out the door I went, I drove to Chloe's house and saw her looking out the window. How adorable. I got out and walked up to her door, she came out and locked it behind her. I picked her up and carried her to the Tundra and opened the door to set her inside.After shutting the door I ran around the side, got in and buckled up before shutting the door and driving off.

She looked beautiful, a thick red dress with white fur trim at the bottom. Closed toed heels that were thick and hopefully thick socks. I can't imagine that she would stay warm after walking in the snow, so I figured it best to just carry her through it all.

I told Chloe where we were going and she text her mother. We made light conversation, I learned that she worked as a librarian at the library that was close to her home. It fit her, she was a quiet person. I told her that I had lived off my family's money for a while before finding my job but complete accident. I worked at a local bar,actually the one we met at. I became a 'bouncer' of sorts, it was for protection and to keep and eye on Missy. I wasn't about to let her kidnap me, for a third time.

Once we got to Woodwind I parked the car, got out,walked over to Chloe's door and opened it. I helped her out before locking the doors and shutting Chloe's. I picked her up and carried her through the snow and up to the door.

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