Chapter Two

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I make it to the large mansion, just from the scent in the air I could tell that brother and his mate were inside the family 'house.' Slowly I walk up the driveway, I would hear glass breaking and father yelling. Tonight was going to be a long one.

With my hand on the door knob I contemplate if I really want to open the door,against my better judgment I pull the heavy wooden door open. If I had moved a millisecond later then my head would not be attached to my neck right now. Thank the gods I sidestepped the battle axe that went flying into the door frame, a bead of sweat made it's way down my cheek as I looked at my father. The bald old man was in thewheel chair, blood on the front of his white shirt and on his gray pants. Brother was nowhere in sight yet I could smell the iron in the air, the scent was brother's.

My hands balled into tight fists, just what had this old man done? Turning I pulled the axe from the frame and shut the door, as calmly as I could manage I looked a thim and chose my words as carefully as I could.

"Dear father, why have you summoned me home?" I asked with a soft smile,however that only got a stern and rather cold glare from the man.

"Don't patronize me with questions you useless whelp!"he shouted in anger, I gripped the handle tightly. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to hurl this weapon right at his head,however I had more class than the common filth that brother and I were tasked with ridding the world of when we were younger.

"Now father, that's not very nice. Where has Dusty gone to? I wish to speak with him." I say as I walk closer to the man, I could tell by how his skin seemed to sprout more hair in small patches on his arms that he was going to shift. I would be the main target.

He stood from the chair and growled at me, his bones cracking, shifting.His body changing suddenly to a white Lycan, his red eyes look at me before he lunged. I deflected his claws as he swiped at my chest,however he was far to close. I jumped back and stood my ground, the sleeve had managed to rip from the force of the attack.

For being old, he wasn't one to mess with. This was bad. He charged at me and I side stepped him before deflecting the back handed swing of his paw with the axe again and slid back a few feet. Fuck... How am I going to take him down without hurting him..?

He lunged again,however there was nothing for me to do. A large black mass bowled him over and matched blow for blow until the both landed a hard hit to the maw. Father fell to a knee and shifted back to his human form,blood trickling down the side of his mouth.

"Dustin how dare you interfere you whelp. You will be punished for this!"Father yelled as Dustin transformed back into his human form, blood was all over his chest from three deep gashes. He was 6'6" easy,his body was like a brick wall. Every muscle was toned in the most perfect way, his face was that of a damned model. He had larger blue eyes that just sparkled with excitement at everything, natural black hair was kept short with wild bangs that refused to be tamed.

"Father this isn't anything to take out on Kazzy,she's still just a pup." His velvety smooth voice boomed loudly in his anger. Yep, big brother Dust. Always looking out for me even though I could have handled it on my own.. well, mostly handled...

"This has everything to do with her, that little bastard can't be the new alpha!" Shouted the old man. Wait, did he really just call me a bastard? No way in hell did I hear that right. I walked over to Dust and handed him a pair of boxers and pants without looking at him, my eyes trained on the old man as he sat with the blanket from his wheelchair over his lap.

"What did you call me? I'm your daughter, so how could you call me that?" I asked more hurt than angry. Before I could say anything else the old one slammed his hand on the floor, I fell silent and just watched him.

"Shift."He ordered, I felt appalled that he'd even ask that of me. I haven't shifted for a long time because I haven't been able to control that part of me...

"I can't... You know that father." I said rubbing my arm, I was very nervous now. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Dust smiling warmly at me.

"Kazzy it's okay, I will be right here for you. Please just do as he asks because I don't want you to get hurt alright?" His warm words set my mind at ease and I nod and step away from him. I sigh and begin the process, I forgot how much pain came with having everything change like it has too. However it doesn't last long. I opened my eyes and looked at the old man, he was seething. I looked at myself but couldn't see anything wrong, I was black, just like last time. I felt Dust pat my back, I was just a little shorter than him now. I couldn't tell how much shorter I was so I didn't even want to try.

"Looks like my little sister is more deserving of being the alpha than I am, I couldn't agree more. You'll do great, I have faith in you Kazzy." I heard him say it but my mind couldn't wrap around it.

"The hell she is! Take care of her Dust, or I will."Father growled out only for Dust to growl back, "Fuck you old man,I'm not letting you or anyone hurt my little Kazzy." He said as he stood in front of me.

"I don't care that you adopted her when you married her mother, so don't even try to use that. Kazuyo is my sister and I'm proud that she's done so much to make peace with humans. She is the only who DESERVES to BE the alpha, not you, not I not my pups, but her. So don't pester her further than you have today, in fact. Leave her alone." Dust said with narrowed eyes at the man I thought was my father. I felt..betrayed in a way I never thought I could feel.

"Kazzy, go to your room and change back, Vix is in there just so you're not surprised." He warns me as he gently pushes me to the stairs.Nodding I run up the stairs and stop in front of the door and open it before walking in, I had to duck so I don't hit my head on the frame.

Vix waves at me from the bed and points to the sleeping twins, I nod. I walk to the dresser and get a new set of clothing got dressed after shifting, I wave to Vix before walking out of the room.I shut the door and lean against it, damn my brother was lucky. Vix was drop dead gorgeous. She had blond hair, long and braided. Light skin and green eyes, in fact she kind of looked like a more mature Chloe in a way.

Shaking my head I walked down the stairs and over to Dust and hugged him tight before I ran out of the front door,I had one hell of a walk to my apartment. As I walked my phone buzzed in my back pocket, taking it out I unlock it and look at it. I felt a slight blush come to my cheeks.

Chloe: 'Hello, I know this maybe really early and all but I really can't wait to see you again.Like, I mean... You're different and I like you, its weird I know because we don't know each other that well... But... I really want to so... met me tomorrow at 10am by the old willow tree in the Swan Park.'

Okay.. So.. she texted me, set up a date... how do I respond to this... Um... uh... I sigh and take a few deep breaths to calm myself before replying to her.

Me: 'Sounds great, I will see you then. :D' Before I second guess myself I hit send and was about to put it back into my pocket but it buzzed, I looked at it and nearly dropped my phone.

Chloe: '<3 See you there,stud.'

I couldn't believe what I just read... Holy mother of all unholy... Yeah, I need to see her, like now. Wanting it to be tomorrow already I knew I had to get some sleep. I didn't care who saw me right now, my legs move on their own and before I knew it I was at my house and inside on my bed. I will shower in the morning, I needed sleep and I need it now. I pull the covers over my head and curl up closing my eyes, before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

The morning came way too early, I sat up feeling like I hadn't gotten any sleep at all. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I yawn and stand up, I lazily walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower and let it heat up while I let my hair down from it's wolf tail. I strip and throw my clothing into the hamper, I stretch again then get into the hot water and smile. Nothing better than this kind of shower in the morning.

I wash up and scrub myself down before rinsing and stepping out, I grab the towel from the hook on the wall right by the shower and dry myself off as I walk to my room. I move to drying my hair, once dry I start getting ready. Walking to the closet I open the door and look around, I pull out a baby blue Tee-shirt, a white and light purple plaid button up, and my simply black shoes. I shut the door and put the clothing on the bed and the shoes on the floor before walking to the dresser to get my binding bra and some undergarments as well as my nicest pair of dark blue jeans. I get dressed and tuck the shirts into the top of my jeans and look at myself in the mirror. I pull on some black socks and then get my shoes on before getting my phone and wallet before heading out an hour and a half early because it would take me about that time to walk to the park.

As I walk to the Willow tree my heart leaps into my throat and my cheeks feel like they're going to melt off my cheek bones, she was gorgeous. Her hair was down and in golden waves... a white sundress with baby blue floral pattern on the hem and collar, a white sunhat with matching ribbon and white flats.

Chloe looked at me and smiled bright,her cheeks holding a lovely pink blush as she waved me over. Gulping I walked over and smiled down at her, that's when I seen her earrings, they were baby blue ribbons. We match and it freaked me out a bit due to us not planning this at all other then the time and place to meet.

"Hello, Kazuyo. You look very handsome."Chloe said with a kind smile as she looked me up and down, I smile back at her and rub the back of my head.

"I don't know about that but Chloe, you're beautiful. Honest to god beautiful." I say only to blush more when I felt her hand grasp mine, she began walking and a second later I followed.

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