Human medicine • 1

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Silas • Anita

Silas • Anita

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Silas had emotionless expression thinking about everything and nothing. He looked upwards at Nita stroking her hands through his hair. He rubbed his deeper in her lap making sure she didn't move away.

"Did you take your pills?" Nita asked interrupting the comfortable silence

"No." He said

"Silas...." She said in a unsure tone moving her hands away from his hair, "You know you can't do that."

"I've been fine, lately. All the pills are doing is making me sluggish and tired."

"Those pills are the reason you've been doing fine." She moved her body setting his head off her lap. She stood at the foot of the bed in front of him, "Where are the pills at?"

"Nita, I'm fine." Silas sadly looked down, "The fear of losing my mind without taking medication makes me...lose my mind!!!"

"There helping you heal! You need to fully heal then you can stop taking them."

"I'f you you really loved me, you wouldn't make me take them."

There was silence, Silas studied her body language anticipating what she'd say next.

Nita held her mouth agape not knowing what to say. She crossed her arms adverting her eyes back up at him.

"I'm not risking it." Silas kept quiet trying to leave the room but Nita grabbed his arm. She hugged his back, "Silas please, It's for your own well-being."

"You don't love me."

"Silas, where are the pill?"

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