Reversed Roles (KaoChisa)

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Suggested by: Yohadia mangomillky SagaMasamune4 EveryFandom01 Steffi_N_x XxDarkteenboyxX

"Chisato, nice to meet y-", Kaoru got interrupted by the blonde guitarist

"What do you want ?", Chisato asked in a harsh tone, sitting on a chair outside the café. The blonde took two sips of her coffee, then glared at the purple-haired girl in front of her.

"I wanted to ask stuff about our roles for the next theatre act, you know", Kaoru explained in a rather shy and panic tone. On the other hand, Chisato thought about it for some seconds until she finally found an answer.

"Okay go on, sit and tell me about what's on your mind", Chisato pointed at the chair in front of her, Kaoru gladly took the offer and sat opposite of her childhood friend.

"So, I wanted to ask you if you know...we could switch our roles for the theatre", Kaoru asked shyly, meanwhile Chisato gave Kaoru a silly look

"Are you serious ? Why though...both roles are women", Chisato said silly and yet seriously.

"B-but mine is really feminine, and yours is much more manly you know...and in my opinion, you fit more in the feminine role and I fit more in the manly role you know", Kaoru explained, playing with her fingers.

"Kaoru, I play a goddamn lesbian jewish woman, while you play a female German villager who has a husband...I don't know what the problem is seriously Kaoru", Chisato complained, she looked at her coffee, then back at Kaoru.

"The lesbian jewish woman looks cooler and she wears suits and other manly clothes...", Kaoru said quietly while she was playing with her own thumbs.

"Kaoru...gosh I can't change the roles, only the one who has chosen us for the different roles, which is Maya. And I'm sure Maya doesn't want to change stuff", Chisato explained to Kaoru, the purple-haired guitarist made a sad face, but didn't say another word.

"But how can I put myself into that role", Kaoru said hopelessy, Chisato thought of ideas, what might help Kaoru in that situation. Out of the blue, Chisato got a brilliant idea and didn't explain Kaoru about her plan, she just paid the drink and grabbed Kaoru's hand to follow her. Kaoru was suprised where Chisato lead her.

"Are you sure ? It's been so long I've been here", Kaoru said shyly. Chisato just opened the door and lead her to her bedroom.

"My parents won't be home today, so how about we try to get you into the role you are right now ?", Chisato explained when both of them were in her house. Chisato took dresses out of her closet and tried them out on Kaoru. Meanwhile Kaoru just blushed at the look on the mirror of her wearing a dress, it was something unthinkable for Kaoru. Suddenly Kaoru realized that Chisato stopped trying clothes out on her and she wasn't in the same room as the purple-haired girl.

"Chisato ?", Kaoru said, but no answer of the blonde bassist.

"Chisato ?", Kaoru said louder this time, still no answer. This made Kaoru worried and scared that something might happened to the blonde.

"Chi-chan, where are you...", Kaoru said, almost crying alone in Chisato's room. All of a sudden, the door opened and Kaoru saw Chisato, but wearing a really handsome suit. Chisato even tied her hair together into a ponytail and had her shirt of the suit a little bit open, so that Kaoru could see her clevage.

"Kao-chan, darling, did you miss me ?", Chisato said in a flirty, romantic voice, alone her look on her face made Kaoru blush a mess. Kaoru looked down and simply nodded slowly, her heart couldn't take it to see her childhood friend like that...since the purple-haired girl always had a crush on the blonde. The blonde sat down on her bed and raised her right arm to the purple-haired teen's direction.

"Come here Kao-chan...", Chisato spoke softly, with a pure and kind smile on her face. Kaoru just made some steps to the blonde until she could reach her hand, the blonde pushed her childhood friend towards her and gave her a tight hug that they both even fell on the bassist's bed.

"Jeez, d-don't scare me like that", Kaoru stuttered in a stressed tone. Chisato was just happy to tease her childhood friend like that. When Kaoru wanted to stand up, Chisato just grabbed instantly the guitarist's slim waist and pushed her again towards her. This time, their lips met and Kaoru got the shock of her life...her heartbeat fastened, her body trembled, her cheeks blushed a deep pink red. However, this was what Kaoru wanted her entire life and she just got it by a suprise attack of her crush.

The guitarist grabbed the blonde's shoulders and pushed her body away from the blonde, she didn't notice that she even put some red lipstick too and so were now her crush's lips...well, most of the parts.

"You know, you don't need to hide your love from me my dear Kaoru...", Chisato cupped Kaoru's cheeks softly before kissing her again and again. This time, Kaoru let it always happen. Sweet kisses like honey was what Kaoru felt and she enjoyed it. After some minutes, the kisses changed, from sweet and romantic into a horny and out of breath make-out session. The guitarist's heavy breath was clear inside the whole bedroom, just like the bassist's breath too. Finally, Chisato pushed her tongue inside her childhood friend's mouth and they were French-kissing. This time, Kaoru moaned and Chisato was still breathing heavily.

Chisato had enough of that foreplay make-out session and simply put Kaoru's dress up until a pair of white panties was noticable. Even feeling the fabric of the panties made Chisato realize, Kaoru was definitely horny, since she was really wet down there.

"Haa....haa Kao-chan....let's lay on the bed the right way...and you on top of me", Chisato spoke out , still panting from the heavy make-out session. Kaoru simply nodded and did what Chisato had said. Both sharing the bed, Chisato on the bed while Kaoru on top of her. Chisato pulled her childhood friend's clothes out and just stayed her be with her bra and wet panties. Kaoru did the same, but only unbuttoned Chisato's shirt and the pants were completely removed and thrown to the floor.

"Don't worry Kao-chan, I'll make you feel good, just trust me", Chisato whispered into Kaoru's ear, it made her more and more turned on. First, the bassist touched the guitarist's private spot, but with the fabric still on her skin. The touch made Kaoru really sensitive, that she even started moaning. Kaoru's hips started moving on their own, this was a really enjoyable moment for Chisato herself, that her fingers could make Kaoru moan in ecstacy.

"Chisato nghh...please, touch it directly", Kaoru moaned out, the blonde only gave a nasty smile and pulled her childhood friend's panties down, threw it out of the bed and was ready to please the taller girl on top of her. First, Chisato inserted slowly her middle finger inside Kaoru, so she could tease her a little more. Then she started fastening her fingering speed and made Kaoru putting her head on the pillow and also grabbing with both hands hard on the same pillow. Suddenly Chisto stopped moving, but she still had her finger inside the guitarist.

"Haa haa, Chisato why did you haa stop ?", Kaoru asked while panting heavily. Now Chisato added another finger and was rubbing Kaoru's inner walls, this made the guitarist arche her back. The tall teen started moaning louder like she never did, it was the best feeling she ever felt from her lower part.

"Chi-chan haaa nghhhhmmmmm, CHI-CHAN, I'M ABOUT TO- NGHHHH", without hesistation, Chisato felt how her lovely childhood friend came on her fingers and even climaxed so hard, that her love juice squirted outside too, mostly on Chisato's right hand and arm. Afterwards, Kaoru tried to catch some breath and laid next to Chisato. Both of them were covered in sweat, and yet they enjoyed the sexual intercourse that they just had right now.

"You know, it's been years...I wanted to tell you we should date each other...maybe I was a huge coward who ran away from my own feelings towards you Kao-chan...but I don't want to run away anymore and just confess my love to you already", Chisato faced Kaoru with a small smile on her face, even when Chisato didn't clearly asked Kaoru to date her, she still said yes happily.

They both took a shower and Kaoru finally accepted the fact, that she had to fit herself in every role no matter how the chracter looked like or which personality the character had. As long as her beloved Chisato wad by her side every theatre, she knew she could do it.

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