Explaining the story to Readers

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This story is about an AU where the Nordic Five and the Benelux siblings raised America for a few years before the English, French, and Spanish came to claim land for their ideas and works of ideology.

The Benelux siblings were his first true siblings that never picked on him and made him feel like he is worth more than just a boy with no meaning in life.

While his true family treats him with respect and kindness, the ones who called themselves family to America were mean, rude, disrespectful, and treat him like he is an old toy that needs to be thrown away.

For starters, England and France were not there for America when he had nightmares at night, not there for him when the other colonies would beat him up, and when he needed help during the Civil War and the Great Depression.

Next, his North American family, they were the worst of his early childhood, they would beat him up because of the color of his skin, eyes, and the way he would talk, they would call him names and made fun of his sexuality of being into men.

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But he has friends that never make fun of him or disrespect him.

~First is Germany and Prussia, the way they respect him is that Prussia had trained him during the Revolutionary War, and he met Germany during his first World Meeting.

America was nervous for his first world meeting and he only knew a few people in the meeting hall, so what could he do? Well, what he didn't know was that Prussia's younger brother was just around the corner, and then Germany saw the younger blonde standing in front of the meeting hall, wondering who he was.

After some small talk, Germany and America became good friends, when both of them entered the meeting hall together, Prussia saw both of them and from then on, the three were close friends. America did meet the rest of the Germanic family, and from then on, he would join in their family time, plus they were thankful to him after World War II.~

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>Next is North Italy, South Italy, and Seaborg, the Italies met America back when Native America was still an ancient nation, she was taking young America to the land bridge that connected Russia and America, they were playing while their grandfather, Rome, who was talking to China who had his own family as well, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Japan, who were playing with the Italies and Seaborg at the time.

Rome and China were about to finish up their talk they heard something in the distance, the sound of a child crying while being thrown to the water, they acted quickly and told the children to stay where they are, after Native America left America to drown, Rome and China went to grab him before he lost oxygen in his lungs.

Soon after America opened his eyes to see a lot of people looking at him, and is not used to people looking at him because of the way he looked and acted, he tried to move away from them as fast as he could, but Rome and China saw this and stopped him while asking why Native America would throw her child into the water? Little America or Noel told them why his "mother" threw him into the water because he was told by his "family" that he was ugly, rude, and unloveable, which shocked both Ancient Nations, because this boy was the opposite of those words.

He was simply beautiful in his appearance, his shining gold hair, the shine that his lovely sapphire blue eyes held, and his skin tone was, as Rome put it, as if he was kissed by the God of the Sun, Apollo. The boy was kind and respectful to those around him, and he was the most loveable person that the Ancient Nations had ever met.

Noel stayed with the two families until he had to return to the land that his 'mother' and 'family' lived in, this broke the hearts of the two empires and their children, especially Japan, who gained a crush on the boy, but Noel told them that they would meet again in the future.

Rome, China, and their children promised never to forget about the boy for the rest of their lives, though the next time that they would meet again would be at the World Meeting as the nations of their own. <

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•Russia, his sisters and the Baltic States knew about the America "Family" did because America told them during the World Meeting break, it was America's fifth world meeting and he was called an old name from his horrible childhood, Belarus heard the "nickname" and asked the nation, Mexico, if America was okay with it or not, and that's what lead to Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, and Latvia to be friends with America.

Although, Lithuania was already close friends with America since the time that he spent with him at his house in the past.•

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^Spain, Portugal, Turkey, and Greece learned about America's abuse and verbal attacks from his 'family' after one world meeting in Greece. The three countries were once part of the Roman Empire, so having seen each a lot growing, in some cases makes sense.

While the four were talking, Portugal heard a voice down the hall which gained the attention of the four countries, because Portugal told the other three about the noise, so the four countries decided to check out what the noise was about. When they got the source of the noise, they saw England and France yells at America for his eating habits and appearance, which was America's fake appearance for parts of the world to see.

Portugal and Spain were furious with England and France because of the way treated America in the past and what they were doing now. Turkey and Greece were angry with the two nations because America would respect them and treat them kindly, even when they were upset with the young nation.

So all four countries made a plan to help the young nation from those who harmed him in the past, Spain and Turkey would distract the two nations while Portugal and Greece would grab America and take him to a different room.

This plan did work and they were in a different room. Spain saw the hints of magic on the nation's body, and asked America to remove the spell on him to show his real appearance to the three nations. The boy did as he was told, and reviled what he really looked like, Turkey, Greece, and Portugal swore never tell anyone about his real appearance and name, except his birth family and true friends.^

I hope this explains the characters' actions towards the OC America and his children. And remember what it means to be yourself, don't hide who you truly are, and just be yourself around the people you love.

Enjoy 'America's Secret Family' and please take a look at my other books on my page.

'Good Night Everybody!' -Yako Warner

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