Minecraft Bees

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TinyRai: Guys wanna play mine craft at the PS4?

Mia: Sure

Asher: I'm down for it, is it the newest version with the bee's?

TinyRai: I kinda forget to update it, hold on

*Minecraft gets updated *

TinyRai: Okay the update is done

Asher: Okay c'mon let's get on mining

TinyRai: want it survival mood or creative mood?

Mia: Creat-

Asher: SURVIVAL!!!

TinyRai: survival it is

*Logs in and three of them plays*

Asher: Come here Raii~~~ * Ash starts attacking TinyRai*

TinyRai: *Loses a life* Hey we need to find things-

Asher: *Hits him again* Boop

TinyRai: *Hits Ash* hmph

*Ash and Rai started hurting each other but Ash died*

Asher: OI!!

TinyRai: You started it

Asher: I was playing around and you killed me-Ree-

Mia: Guys I'm going to mine

Asher: okay, Mia I'll go punch some trees

TinyRai: I'll come with Mia

Asher: *Gasp* I found a beeeeeee hiveeeee

TinyRai: Wait-Really ,don't destroy it

Asher: *Destroy it*  :)

TinyRai: -_- Boi- I found a bee

Asher: Kill it :3

TinyRai: Why would I do that-* Gets hit by the bee*

*Bee dies*

TinyRai: It Died XD

Asher: Bezz bezz, The wonderful bezz,  The wonderful Bezz that stain you to death

TinyRai and Mia: Wut-

Note:  This is true, this funny thing happened and I want to share it with you guys anyway bye bye

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