The First Three years

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The twins were too young to go into an orphanage so their social worker , Suzy, had to find them temporary foster parents. so for the first year of their lives they lived with Johnny and Maddie. Johnny and Maddie were a couple from Brighton who desperately wanted children but unfortunately couldn't.

The twins had an amazing year there, they would get spoiled rotten. They went to the pier every Sunday with Maddie's parents Gregory and Irene, they would have ice cream and go on all the rides.

Every Monday Maddie would meet up with her friends and they would take their kids to the park.

Every Tuesday Johnny's parents had them and they would play lots of games.

Every Wednesday the girls went to play group and made lots of friends.

Every Thursday Johnny looked after them and would teach them new games and tricks.

Every Friday the family would go out for tea.

And every Saturday the family would go to the beach.

A day never went by without them doing something. They were always happy.

But one day Johnny got a massive job offer. He accepted but the family had to move closer to his job but Suzy couldn't let them take the girls.

Reluctantly the Thomas's had to give them back to Suzy.

At the age of three the girls ended up in a orphanage in a nearby town. They hated it. They were too young for a place like that. They Did nothing but scream and scream till they were sick. But slowly they got used to it, well nearly, nobody could get used to a place like Blackstone orphanage.

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