Soulmate au ( drarry)

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 This is my first story so please tell me how I did in the comments. I am also taking any requests. Also the battle of Hogwarts doesn't exist in this story.



It was known Through out the Wizarding world that when you turned 17 your soulmate mark would appear some where on your body. Your soulmate would have the exact same mark in the same place on their body. My tattoo was on my ankle and was of two wands that crossed over each other. One of them being my own, but I could not for the life of me figure out who the other wand belonged to. I turned 17 two weeks ago and have been trying to find my soulmate ever since.  For my friend Blaise it was easy it was his long time boyfriend Ron Weasley. It wasn't fair why couldn't I find my soulmate. 

" You Okay?" Blaise asked pulling my out of my thoughts.

"Yeah just thinking" I replied

" I am going to go for a walk" I said before leaving Blaise and Ron in the dormitory.

As I was walking down toward the quidditch pitch, I ran into Harry. Who is Harry you might ask. Well Harry is Ron's best friend and my long time crush. You see in wasn't always so easy. We used to hate each other but after Ron and Blaise started dating we became good friends. As we started to get closer I started to develop feelings for him, but he was dating that bitch Ginny Weasley. They broke up as soon as they discovered that they weren't soulmates and have remained friends. 

" Where you going?" Harry asked

" getting away from the love birds" I replied sarcastically

He laughed. He continued to walk with me toward the Quidditch pitch. We were currently talking about the upcoming game between Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Harry and I were both the seekers on our respective teams. That was one of the first things that we bonded over when we became friends. 

" So have you found your soulmate yet" he asked

This question caught me off guard. We had never discussed soulmates or even seen each others tattoos. 

" Nope, have you?" I questioned back

" No"  He said 

I was kinda relived I know I should be looking for my soulmate but how could I when he was all that I wanted. Before I could stop myself I had asked to see his tattoo. I was terrified that it wouldn't match mine and I would be forced to get over my crush, but I was hoping that they would match and that I could finally have him all to myself. He hesitantly nodded and slowly lifted his robes to reveal the tattoo on his ankle. When I saw his tattoo my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't breath. His tattoo was the exact same two wands crossed over each other. I easily identified mine and guessed that the other one was his. I looked back up at him dumbfounded. I was speechless. All I could think to do was show him my ankle. As I did this a smile broke out across his face. The next thing I knew he was kissing me. At first I was shocked I mean how could I not be Harry FREAKIN Potter was kissing me, but I quickly recovered and kissed him back eagerly.  I don't know how long we stood there kissing and I didn't care. As we broke apart his forehead rested on mine and we just stood there smiling. 

" So" I said

" So?" he questioned back smiling

" Will you go out with me?" I asked eagerly

" Of course" Harry replied just as eagerly

To say I was happy was an understatement I loved him with all my heart and now I finally got to have him. As we walked back to the dormitory we talked and laughed and whispered sweet nothings to each other. I could not be happier right now the one thing that I never thought would happen to me just happened. 

I had finally found my soulmate and it was none other than Harry James Potter.

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