2 Love is Patient

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March 1373 Conwy Castle, Wales

He wouldn't come today. Katryn didn't know how she knew this but something inside her knew today was not the day.

"Katryn, Katryn are you listening to me? You haven't heard a word I've said have you?"

"I'm sorry Aneira, I was lost in my thoughts and didn't hear you."

The two girls were returning from the apple orchard where they had enjoyed getting fresh air and picked some fresh apples for a dessert cook was experimenting with. The girls were sisters, Aneira being a year younger than Katryn but sometimes it seemed she was the older of the two she tended to mother Katryn.

"You haven't heard a word anyone has said for a fortnight, ever since the messenger arrived telling us  Sir Rhys had been victorious in his recent battle."

"Hmmm? What was that Aneira?" Katryn would never admit it but she had indeed been thinking of Sir Rhys. How could she not, the man was her knight. She had no idea when she began to think of him in those terms but she had been thinking of him that way for some time now. He was her knight, he belonged to her. He was her tower of strength in a storm, she would always be safe with him.

"You see, you are doing it again. When were you going to tell me you are in love with Sir Rhys?"

"What? How did you... I mean I didn't..."

"Easy Kattie, I figured it out some time ago. You have been in love with that man as long as I can remember."

"Oh Aneira, you are right, I have always loved him but what if he dosen't love me back? What if he see's me as a little girl still? What if he is married now? He has been gone 3 years this time in the service to the Prince and the King what if they gave him a rich heiress as a reward for his years of service? I don't think I could bear the thought of another woman kissing him."

"I know he has been rewarded for his faithful service but marriage was not the reward, well not yet ."

"Aneira, what are you saying? How do you know this?"

"Well the messenger had a lot to tell father, I didn't hear it all but the King has given Sir Rhys a castle and lands as a reward. They are in England."

Katryns heart sank.  If he had been given lands and a castle then a title was sure to follow and while that meant he would now be an acceptable parti for her hand, he would also be a prize that other women would be sizing up. Katryn was used to having him all to herself.

In between battles he always came here to rest. He always stayed 6 months at least until the next summons from the Prince would come and take him away for 3 or 6 months then he would be back. When he was here he always took notice of what she was studying or learning, how she was feeling. Katryn couldn't think when it was that she became closer to Rhys than to her own parents. If he now had lands in England, he wouldn't spend as much time here at Conwy with her. She had no desire to marry anyone else but Rhys. If he couldn't be her husband she would never marry.

"Of course you will marry silly, with the Prince as your godfather, I'm sure he will make a good match for you. In fact I'm sure he has already spoken of the matter to Sir Rhys. I wouldn't be suprised if he hasn't already made a choice for you."

Katryn didn't know she had spoken out loud. But Aneira was right, since she was the Black Princes goddaughter it would be only natural for him to take an interest in whom she married. Oh no, she must do something quickly to stop it!

"Aneria, do hurry. There is much to do before Sir Rhys arrives on the marrow."

"Katryn, how do you know he will arrive on the marrow? The messenger said only that he had things to do in London for the Prince then he would begin his journey north to us."

"I know Aneria, I just know."

As soon as she walked into the Castle she sent a servant for a page boy and went to her room to pen a letter. She had only written a handful of letters Prince Edward. She had received even fewer responses. But this was important and she could not leave the rest of her life in the hands of men who didn't know what she wanted. She had to at least try.

Forty five mintues later the page knocked on her door as she sanded the document she had just finished.

"Come. Evan good, I needed a man I could trust."

"I am at your service my lady."

"Take this letter to His Highness, Edward Prince of Wales. Greetings from his goddaughter. Give the letter into his hands only.  Wait for a reply if he wishes to give one. Take Sir Dinadan and Sir Lionel with you on the journey. It is long and I would not have you suffer harm on the road. Leave now."

"Of course my lady."

That night Katryn took great pains with her bath. She scented it with rose oil she made herself she soaked until the water was cold. Sitting by the fire as her nurse Rose brushed her hair dry she rubbed more of the rose oil into her arms and legs.

"My lady you will attract bees if you are not careful. They will mistake you for a lovely English garden."

"That is sort of my point Rose. To remind people that though I grew up in Wales and speak Welsh I am still English."

"Yes my lady, I remember it well. It has been many years since I have laid eyes on England. Why you were just a tiny baby when we brought you north...I mean when your parents came north with you."

Katryn thought Roses words were strange but thoughts of Rhys soon took precedence and she turned her thoughts to what color she would wear in the morning. She knew he would arrive with the dawn. She knelt on a padded stool before her window. Night had fallen and the stars and full moon lit up the night sky. Silently she petitioned God for Rhys safe return. Her parents had gifted her with a large gold and jewel encrusted cross for her to kneel before and say her devotionals but she could not understand the idea of praying before a replica of the object that was used to kill her lord. So she knelt before the open window her head bowed in silent plea to her heavenly father. A soft cold wind was her only answer as it blew out her candle and blew the hair out of her eyes.

Katryn was up and dressed an hour before the dawn. She felt a pang of guilt at waking Rose so early, she was slowing down of late and needed her rest but she wanted all to be ready when he arrived. She sent Rose to the kitchens to ready a simple meal and have it brought to her fathers solar where she had ordered a fire to be kept burning all night. Sending another servant to tell the guards at the gate to expect Rhys arrival, Katryn raced up the stairs from her bedroom to the roof of the tower to keep watch.  She didn't have long to wait. Not 5 minutes after arriving the sun broke the horizon, lightening up the valley from the shimmering water all the way to Aberconwy Abby. As her eyes adjusted to the new light she saw a loan horse and rider, maybe 10 miles off.  He rode woth determination.  Katryn smiled as her eyes lingered on his approach. 

So lost in her own thouhts was she that she didn't notice when he entered the gates of the castle.  Up in the highest tower on the other side of the court, it would take her some minutes to get down the 230 steps and over to her fathers solar where she knew he would be waiting.

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