4 Secrets Revealed

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Wallingford Castle, Berkshire

Edward sat at his desk in his study and read the letter again. This latest communique from Wales reminded him just how much time he had lost. He would not lose anymore. The situation required tact and compassion. He knew just the person to help him. As he strode from the room he instructed the first servant he passed to have a bag packed and horse readied for him, he must go up to London. After informing his guard of his plans he then had to inform his wife, knowing she and her ladies would be in the rose garden enjoying the rare afternoon sunshine he strode in that direction.

He saw her with her ladies around her holding sun shades to protect their delicate skin from sun spots. She was beautiful, his fair maid. He had loved her since they were children, he still had trouble believing she was finally his. When she caught sight of him standing at the entrance to the garden she broke away from her ladies and with a genuine smile lighting her face actually ran to his arms. This is why it had taken Edward so long to marry, he hadn't found another woman who would lower herself to run to his arms.

After embracing him she planted a loving kiss on his lips, "I'm so glad you decided to leave that dreary study."

Taking her hand and walking her to the shade of a nearby apple tree he said, "Alas I bear news you are not going to like. I must go up to London and meet with my parents on affairs of state."

"That is not so bad, your mother is a delight. Let me send my maid to start packing and we can be ready to leave day after tomorrow."

"No my love, this cannot wait, I will leave as soon as the horses are ready.My business will not take long. I expect to back in your arms before a fortnight is over."

"Of course my darling. I will speak to cook and have the kitchens prepare food your your journey."

He rode like the wind, taking as few of his guard as he could reasonably get away with. If only he had sought the council of this person 18 years ago, things may have turned out differently. But now was a good a time as any to fix your mistakes.

Wanting as little fan fare as possible, Edward left his personal guard happily quenching their thirst at a local tavern while he and his man servant slipped quietly into his rooms in the palace. After washing off the dirt of the road he sent his manservant with a message to arrange a private audience.

Thirty minutes later he stood outside the large oak door that lead to her inner rooms. He felt like a foolish young man again, waiting to be scolded for some insubordination. The door opened and a timid young woman beckoned him forward, "Please come this way, Your Highness." She dropped a curtsy as she shut the door.

"Is she alone?" He asked the girl.

"Yes my lord, she dismissed her ladies saying she wished to rest before supper. She is in her bedchamber."

"Thank you."

He entered the darkened room. The curtains had been pulled against cold draughts from the Thames. Seeing her in a chair by the fireplace he approached and executed the perfect bow.

"Oh get up you silly child and tell me what is going on."

Smiling and placing a kiss on her cheek he said, "Hello mother. Joan sends her regards."

"Hum! But you didn't bring her with you I see."

"No, I needed to speak with you privately on a delicate matter."

"Oh dear, I fear your father is not going to like what you have to tell me. Well my boy, get on with it. I am not getting any younger."

Taking a seat next to her he chided her, "Mother, you don't look a day over 45 and you know it."

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