Part 3\3 Christmas Day

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I woke up in an unfamiliar, sunlit room. Where am I?



I lifted my head; I was laying on Josh's belly. It was growling hungrily, and the sound woke me up. My eyes traveled up his chest and to his face. He was still asleep and snoring softly with his mouth slightly open and his blonde hair tousled.

I sat up a bit more, then blushed and giggled. He was naked! And I was naked on top of him!

I sat up all the way and a blanket slid off my shoulders. Aw, Josh must have put it on me before he had fallen asleep himself.

I looked up at a clock on the wall; 12:34. Man, does sex make you sleep good.

We had sex! And I took his virginity what?

I leaned up and softly kissed his nose.

Josh slowly opened his eyes, looked confused at first, then blushed and smiled sheepishly at me.

"Merry Christmas." I whispered, then giggled.

"Yeah Merry Christmas!" He reached up and ran his fingers through my hair. It was a bit awkward and his fingers caught in my tangles, but it was sweet nonetheless.

"So...question. Are we, like, a thing now?" I asked. "I don't mind either way, I've had one night stands before-"

Josh frowned. "That's what that was?"

"Yes. I mean, no...I mean, what do you want it to be?"

He looked thoughtful. "The...start of something new? If you'll...Norah, will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart soared. He asked first!

"Lemme think about it..." I pretended to think about it. "Hell yes." I kissed him on the lips and he kissed me back.

And then Josh's stomach made another audible growl. He blushed when I nuzzled his belly.

"We should probably go get some grub, I'm getting hungry too."

"We can get some food here if you want, they serve like breakfast and lunch and stuff."

"Brunch sounds good." I shivered and pulled the blanket around me. "Can I take a shower first before we go down?"

"Yeah! I gotta shower, too."

"Well, let's take one together."

I felt his member twitch against my bare thigh and I smirked.


We got up and showered and had a quickie in the warm rushing water. He let me lather him up and we did a lot of hugging and touching. When we got out, we fixed each other's hair in front of the mirror.

Josh changed into a pair of jeans that I got him and another long sleeve with Japanese writing, this one red on black. He let me borrow a pair of pants that had gotten tight on him and one of those long sleeved shirts, black on red so that we matched. Cute as hell.

We left his room and walked downstairs, hand in hand. We got sandwiches and snacks and ate brunch in the big dining room.

When Cody, Dan, and John joined us, they gave us curious looks upon seeing that I was wearing Josh's clothes. I put my arm around him and gave them the best I'm-totally-banging-your-friend grin.


Later, Josh took me home in his Mustang and I invited him inside my apartment to hang out.

Merlin stalked out of his cat tree and sniffed Josh's shoes.

"Aw, who's this guy?" Josh bent down and let Merlin sniff his hand.

"That's Mr. Merlin!"

Merlin went 'mrow' and rubbed his head against Josh's fingers.

I giggled. "He likes you."

"Aww, buddy!" Josh patted Merlin's head and the cat sneezed.

I scooped Merlin up in my arms and carried him over to the couch. "So, Josh."

"Hm?" He sat next to me and I leaned against his shoulder.

"Do you think we're moving too fast?"

"Do you?"

"Mmm, nope! But do you still want me as your shopper? It's not awkward unless we make it, right?"

"Well, I only got a couple months left of this TV show, then I gotta move back home."

I felt my heart sink a little as I scratched Merlin's cheek. "Rhode Island?"

He nodded.

"And then on to your next adventure I'm sure. Your family lives there?"

"Yep! I live with some roommates now, but..."

"I'll miss you. I don't know if I can do long distance..."

"Move in with me?"

I jumped and startled Merlin, who hopped onto Josh's lap and squinted up at me.

"But that's...a few months you said?" I stared back at Merlin and booped his nose while he snuffled at me. "Watch out or Merlin will step on your balls. He's notorious for that."

Josh started to push him off, but the cat had other plans.

I intertwined my fingers with his and watched Merlin settled himself on Josh's belly while I thought about it.

My parents had moved to South Carolina when I was a kid, but when they moved up north again 15 years later, I stayed. They'd be thrilled to have me close by again, but did I really want to live in a house with who knows how many roommates?

I looked up into Josh's eyes and I realized that I saw a future with him. He was spontaneous and a risk taker, but I could use some more adventure in my life. I wanted to travel with him, I wanted home to be wherever he was.

"Well..." I began. "What about Merlin? Will I be able to bring this ole man?"

"Of course! We have a cat back home, her name's Nara. Does Merlin get along with other cats?"

I laughed. "Cats, dogs, you name it! He's chill. He'll love a new playmate, right, Merlin?"

Merlin started his motorboat purr while Josh petted his back.

"I can do the shopping, too, but there's no need to pay me for it...unless you want to." I laughed. "I won't say no."

"Okay, but I won't ask for sweets! Diet starts now, I swear."

"Remember when I said you should get fatter?" I watched Merlin knead his belly. "I meant that. This whole feeding's kinda fun I'll admit. Kinda kinky - you're rubbing off on me, ya know."

"Oh man, I'll be so fat with you around..." he blushed while he scratched behind Merlin's ears. "I think even the cat likes it, he's about to fall asleep on my stomach!"

"Yeah he just found himself a new bed..."

I looked around at my apartment for a moment and then back at Josh. "Yes."


"Yes, I'll move in with you!" I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I want to go where you go." When I looked back into his eyes, they were brimming with tears.

I felt choked up myself. "I hope those are happy tears!"

"What? Oh, yeah!" He quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

"I love you, Josh."

"I love you, too, Norah."

Merlin purred loudly. "Mrow!"

****And this is a series now****

A Feeder for Christmas (personal shopper turned accidental feeder)Where stories live. Discover now