Chapter 2

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Blaez handed Aliyah her cup of hot cocoa and took a sip of his own, sitting in the chair across from me again.

"So... you ok...?"

"Ya... just tired and confused..."

The concern that went across his face was obvious as he spoke, "What's wrong?"

"The nightmare.  In it, I was in a different place, a different kingdom than this one."

"Oh?  What do you think it means?"

"I think... it means there's somewhere else I need to be..."

"What do you mean?"

Aliyah suddenly down most of her hot cocoa and set the cup off to the side, standing.

"I mean I'm going to search for this kingdom."


"You heard me."

Aliyah started to walk out the door, Blaez following while trying to stop her.

"You can't go!"

"Who's to say that?  I'm almost 18.  I can start making my own decisions now if I want to."

She walked to her room, letting Blaez inside as she started packing up a backpack.  Jacket, an extra pair of clothes, any money she had, her journal, some pencils, and a sharpener, just in case.

"Aliyah, you could get yourself killed."

"So be it.  I don't want these nightmares.  I'll send you a letter when I get where I'm going."

"But how do you know where you're going?  You have no name, no direction, you've never even actually gone past the forest line!"

"I don't care.  Now you'll either shut up and leave me alone, or you'll come with me."

He shook his head, walking out of the room.  As the door was about to shut behind him, she called to him.

"Tell Father what I'm doing, and, if he goes to search for me, let him."

When he was gone, she slung the backpack over her shoulders, looking in her closet for something.  Aliyah found what she was looking for and pulled out a bow and quiver.  Making sure she was still able to pull it back enough, she slung the quiver over her other shoulder, carrying the bow by her side.  Walking through the castle quickly, she pushed through the side doors into a courtyard.  There was a single stable with a horse sleeping comfortably within.  Quietly, she grabbed the saddlebags, going to the kitchen and filling them with supplies for her trip, an estimated amount for the next town and kingdom she'd go to.  Going back out to the courtyard, she woke up the sleek black horse resting within, Shadow.  Her steed's tail flicked and he whinnied a bit but calmed down seeing that it was Aliyah.

When she opened the stable door, he took a few steps out, allowing Aliyah to saddle him up.  He barely moved when she heaved herself on, the large horse getting ready for the ride.  Aliyah kept her quiver on, but strung her backpack up between the saddlebags, next to the sleeping bag she had, the sword she had still strapped under the quiver.  She had tucked the bow under the sleeping bag and made sure it was easy to get to before she took off toward the courtyard gate.  Shadow's courtyard led straight into the kingdom and she had made sure of that, in case she wanted a night ride.  Using her magic, the gate lifted, allowing them to pass by.  As soon as they did, the gate clunked shut, being heard throughout the castle in the quiet night.  No one bothered to check on her, knowing she often went on rides to clear her head after nightmares.

The breath of the horse and Aliyah clouded in front of their faces, snowflakes falling gently around them, but neither of them cared.  Shadow and Aliyah aimed for the forest, the sound of the horse's hooves hitting the ground echoing around them.  They broke through the inside edge of the trees, weaving around the large trunks and avoiding roots and bushes.  After about half an hour, they broke through the other side of the trees, into the large prairie surrounding the forest.  They rode through that for fifteen minutes before stopping at the edge, as the prairie turned into a desert.  Aliyah examined the area before deeming it safe and pushing Shadow forward, going north to see what towns and kingdoms they would find.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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