Chapter 1: The beggining

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The cool breeze filled the air tonight, the stars shine so very bright. As I sat upon the rooftop and thought how calm the city is. It's been weeks since any akuma were around. I only been dealing with school and stopping minor crimes, nothing big. From behind me, I heard the familiar sound of a bell bouncing against leather. I turned to Chat looking at me with a playful smile.                                                                                                      "Good evening, Chat." I said with a grin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "Hello, M'lady The city is quite calm tonight isn't it?" Chat said as he sat down                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We sat there gazing towards the quiet lights and the random clouds rolling by. Paris was safe for once and the heroes felt at ease. Then I saw Chat's ears move from one side, then back down. He froze and I saw his whole body tease, But what was he hearing I didn't hear anything. I saw there staring and didn't want to utter a single word. Chat stood up and looked at me with danger in his eyes.                                                                     "Chat... What did you hear?" I questioned                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               "Shhh... We must go now! There's...a...Thing." Chat replied and froze again                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "Where to?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "Just follow me!" He said jumping to another rooftop                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I followed him as we came closer to the town square. I looked around and saw nothing out of place. Doors shut, lamp posts still on and windows not broken. There had to be something wrong or Chat wouldn't act this way. Chat was just ahead of me, standing by something. I saw Chat shack and stepped back from it. I came up and looked to see a body... It was ripped and tur-up from head to toe. I could tell who it was or what had done this. I looked away and Chat covered his mouth from gagging. We knew this was no normal criminal. So who or what did this and why? I took out my com-phone and called police. We waited and waited till the police came. As they came I had no idea what to say to them. Chat and walked over to the lead detective and gave them our account, thou that didn't really help. My lucky charm couldn't fix this or reverse it either. We left and let the police do their job I couldn't help that person. How could we not know this would happen? We were only kids and yet we have amazing powers but couldn't help when a real threat came! We exchange goodbyes and went our ways back home. As the night went on so did the feeling of guilt and remorse. I was laying in bed, when I began to cry myself to sleep. Thinking to myself: I wonder how Chat is dealing with this. As Chat jumped into his room, he felt sick and curled up into a ball on his bed. He did not want to close his eyes for he might see the scene all over again. Plagg looked at the boy curled up and tears running down his face. But he did not say a word; Plagg knew it was not the time. Plagg flow down to the boy's head and gave him a hug, thou it did not help much. Adrien laid there till the sun started to seep through his windows. He could not sleep at all and he looked in the mirror seeing grey bags under his eyes. They both got ready for school and news was giving their alert about a killing last night. They both saw it and wish they had got there sooner. Running to school, Marinette was tried and felt like passing-out. As she enters the school, she could feel like there was a cloud over everyone. Knowing what it was from she didn't talk to anyone. Class started and there was gloom over everyone's mind. Marinette couldn't stop thinking of last night, seeing Chat's frozen face as he looked at the body. Adrien was stuck in thought and his eye lids so heavy. He couldn't tell any of his friends what was wrong or they'd find out who he is. He remembered the face of the towards him, he flet sick again. He raised his hand:                                                                                                                                                           "May I go to the bathroom?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Yes, you may" The teacher agreed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                As he walked out and shut the door behind him, he ran towards the bathroom. Stepping into the bathroom, he felt the urge to throw-up. He didn't see anyone, so he locked a stall and stood in it, feeling dizzy. He stayed there for a while till leaving school. He told the principal that he got sick. He had never lied about being sick before, but he flet like it for sure. Natalie picked Adrien up and the principal told his teacher what happened. As the day went on I felt dizzy and sleepy from almost zero sleep. Alya had notice this and pocked me on the shoulder. I looked at her with bloodshot eyes and faint smile. With a worried look on her face, Alya asked:               "Well, I couldn't sleep last night; I stayed up most of the night." I answered                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Oh, doing what..." Alya questioned                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         "Umm... I was watching that movie with the river monster." I said freaking out a little                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "What! Girl you know you get scared easily?" Alya freaked I just giggled and went back to listening to the teacher.                                                                                                                                                                                    Alya shock her head and sighed. She was my best friend and I lied to her about what I really did. I wished for anything that I could tell her but she couldn't know that I was Ladybug. The bell rang and class was dismissed. I looked around realizing that Rose was not here today. I felt a chill down my spine... what if she was the person who... was attacked. I shook my head and went to lunch. I sat down by Alya and Alex and they both seemed off. Alex was usually talking and full of energy. Alya was mostly talking about how to get a video for her ladyblog, but today was odd. I knew they saw the news but it almost felt as if they had lost hope. I felt as I let them down, we were in the area and didn't get there in time. My friends had faith in Ladybug and Chat Noir to save the people of Paris and we couldn't save that person who was killed.                                         "Hey, can I sit with you guys?"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "Sure" Alex replied to Jade                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "So...Did they say who the person was?" Jade nervously asked                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             "Nope...Not yet... I just hope it's no one I know" Alya answered back                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The only thing that was good today was the weather, sun was shining. It was a beautiful spring day, for us we had gloom covered our minds. The school day went on and nothing happened, I was usually waiting for an akuma to attack but nothing did. Even Chloe was really quiet for once and that was out of the usual. It almost felt like a silent movie passing by. When school ended I decided to text my mom that I would be out for a bit. She didn't like that but said it was fine. Walking down the block, I calmly went into an alley. I transformed and started my patrol early and tried to call Chat. I made sure to be more alert, then before. I needed to get stronger to save the people from whatever that thing was. Then I thought how did it get away from that area? There must have been a clue we missed or an escape root it had. Running towards the square, I felt nervous going back there. The police were still figuring out who the victim was. I keep my com-phone turned up loud and jumped down to the scene. The blood was still on the ground and the outline of the body was down. As of last night there was nothing out of order, but something did seem off. I looked around, seeing black liquid running towards somewhere. Following the trail, I saw a manhole with the lid slid open a bit. That was it! I found out where it went but now I needed a plan. Maybe even some help because Chat and I were not going to bring down this thing alone. I needed to talk to Chat and needed more facts. I went to call Chat but someone yelled at me. I turned so fast I was about trip over my foot. I saw Gael,Phantom and Elouan standing behind me.                                                                                                                                                                                      "Hey, what's up, Ladybug?" Phantom yelled out                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "Well... Being a detective right now" I answered back                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             "Oh wow, Looks like you need help" Elouan said as he rubbed his head                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            "Elouan this is serious!" Gael said putting her hands on her hips                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   I just looked at them with a faded smile. They all seemed like this was a normal day and nothing more. I was happy to see them but why did they want to help? As they talked I got a text from Chat:                                        "Where are you M'Lady" I texted him, where I was at and that the others were with me. We waited and decided to keep looking.                                                                                                                                                       Gael and I were taking a closer look at the black liquid that surrounded the area. We now knew that this wasn't done by human hands, now the question was what was it? Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chat Noir jump down from a roof. He came up with a pale face, looking around.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "So... I'm guessing you found something?" Chat squeaked                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       "I did, thou I will need a plan!" I said with confidents                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Showing Chat what I found and hoping he wouldn't freak. He looked down to black liquid and blood mixing together. The liquid dripped down from the edge of the hole and the slashing sounds echoing up. Knelling down and looking straight down, I hoped he saw something I didn't. Peering into the blackness, Chat saw something that was not meant to be there. He jumped down and grabbed what it was. He came up looking like he came out of deep water. He handed me what he saw and I froze to see a bloody pink cloth. The others looked at my hand and I felt their fear. But whose was it and did it belong to the victim or someone else. If someone else was here, then were they still still alive. These questions flooded my head and I didn't have the answers. We looked at each other almost like we could read minds. At that moment we decided to meet up tomorrow at the river. We all went our ways and I felt as if this would be harder than anything we have faced.

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