A battle!!

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As the rest of the school day went on, I felt reveled that we will have this over and things can go back to normal. Alya and I walked home together and I didn't know what to tell my parents what I would be doing over the weekend. Alya went to her apartment and I went on my way, Thinking of something that they wouldn't look into. I came up to the bakery and opened the door to see Master Fu talking to my parents. I was speechless, what is Master Fu doing here and what are they talking about. I just walked in and gave a confused smile.

"Marinette good to see you, I was just telling your lovely parents about the festival that you agreed to work there with me. I came by to see if you were ready." Master Fu hinted at

"Oh...Yes I almost forgot about that, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you." I nervously apologized

"Well Fu here as told us you've been helping him around his shop for some time now. You didn't tell us because" My dad questioned

"I didn't think you'd like me having a job when I already suck at school" I answered him

"Well just next time tell beforehand, okay sweetie. Now go up and get your things for the festival." My mom requested

I ran upstairs and grabbed a bag and put a few things in it and went back downstairs. We said goodbyes and left, I was shocked to know that Master Fu knew of what we were doing. We didn't say a word to each other till we got to his shop and I felt nervous to what he was going to say.

"Marinette I know that you and Adrien know each other's identities and that may be okay but what you and the others are going to do it well...dumb." Muster Fu blurted out

"I know what we are going to do is dumb but we need to do something before more get hurt." I replied

"Well...answer me this do you think in your state of mind that it is wise to confront the enemy right now. All of you are going through a tough time and people that you are all close to have been taken, what if they aren't alive anymore...and you lose your nerve and do something regrettable-" Master Fu questioned as I cut him off

"I...I wouldn't lose my head if that's what you're thinking...I can handle this!" I answered him 

"But can you say the same thing for Chat or others...?" Master Fu asked

"I...I can't." I regretfully whispered

"I can't stop you but if anyone of you loses your head or dies, then you and anyone will give me your miraculous...Do you understand." Master Fu demanded

"Yes, I do" I replied

After that I set the bag I had and transformed, then Master Fu handed me the bag, I was off. I jumped from building to building, till I got to the meeting area. I waited and waited, and then Finn and Chat Noir walked over. I waved to them and they waved back. A few minutes later, Gael, Phantom and Elouan arrived. We went over the plan and left for the catacombs'. Below them, a set of eyes watched them as they came. He watched the screen of the TV: making a smile along his face. He couldn't wait to see their faces as they entered his area and the poor souls that he had for bait. He then left the room to get ready for the arrival, making sure the traps were set. He was going to destroy their miraculous so no one had more power over him! he had already destroyed one, now for the rest. Rose and Luka were chained up in two different parts of the area, having no idea why they were a part of this. Luka looked around thinking of a way to get loose and help Rose get untied. He had cuts and gashes all over his arms and legs; he was losing a lot of blood. Rose was in a chair but she could not see what was around her, thou she did hear a low roar coming from in front of her. Luka tried to move his arms, but the pain shot through his whole body. There was noise from behind him and slowly turned his head, seeing the man that had chained him to the cycle. There was fear that overwhelmed Luka as the man went to talk.

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