Chapter 16

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Percy's POV

I woke up in a dark alley. My nose had blood around it. I had my arms around Annabeth.

"Annabeth, what happened?"

"Percy..." Annabeth started. Uriah shut her up.

"What is wrong with you..." I growled.

"Your weak, Jackson. Try and fight me," Uriah challenged.

"No," Annabeth whispered.

"Annabeth... I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"You can't beat me, Jackson. Go and hide in the water."

Suddenly, Uriah was shoved aside by a huge mass of salt water.

"Dad!" I looked up and saw the God himself, Posiedon.

"Need help?" Posiedon walked over to Uriah, who was basically drowning.

"We don't hide in the sea. Leave my son alone." Posiedon scared the shit out of Uriah, who scrambled away. I turned my attention to Annabeth.

"Percy..." She went limp and fell.

"No!" I yelled.

"Don't worry. She just fainted. Exhaustion," Posiedon reassured.

"Thanks Dad. For everything." Posiedon left, leaving me with Annabeth in my arms. "I shouldn't have fallen for that witch. I need you." I cradled Annabeth, too weak to move. In a while, I was asleep.


The monster stabbed her. I ran to her as she fell.

"Percy? Why didn't you save me?" She croaked.

Her body went limp in my arms.

"Annabeth! No!"

The color left her face. Her chest was covered in blood. My tears fell on her, but she didn't flinch. I tried to find what hurt her, but can't. We're alone.

"My fault. I got you killed. My fault. Blame me."

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"Percy? Get up." I feel someone jabbing my stomach with their finger. I stir to see a redhead staring at me.

"Rachel?" I mutter.

"Your still dreaming Percy. Just remember, keep Annabeth safe," She tells me. Her hair is tangled, and she looks tired.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Dreams. Bad ones. Annabeth, keep her safe." Rachel looks exhausted and scared. "I have to go, Percy. Good luck."


"Percy?" Annabeth croaks. I feel her move next to me.

"Shh... it's okay. Just sleep. We'll go home in a few hours."


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