Harvest Time

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So now their making me choose between them?

"I'm staying with Sound, so, Decepticon." Suddenly the charm that was resting on my chest glowed and felt like it was on fire. I screamed in agony. Sound walked up behind me and placed his hand on my back. Tears brimmed my optics. I felt like I wanted to die. Finally it subsided. Knockout and Sound helped me up and to mine and Sounds room. Sound laid me down and Knockout checked over me.

"Soundwave. Go get some energon we need to give her some." He said. After an hour they were done checking my systems. "Alright Starshot a few hours of recharge and you'll be good to go. And Soundwave make sure she gets energon in her systems three times a day. One when she wakes up. One at lunchtime and one before she sleeps okay within a week the energon should be enough to close the wound on her chest." Sound nodded and turned to me. He walked around to the other side of the berth and laid down with me.

"Well looks like I'm no longer human. But thankfully I still have my memories of all my life even the bad ones." I said as he wrapped his arm protectively around me. I moved closer to him and rested my helm on his chest plate. He rested his on mine.

"Few hours of recharge." he repeated to me.

"I know." my optics started to close as I listened to Sounds systems whirring. And listening to his spark pulse, which, always helped me sleep.

A few hours later I came back online. My wound was closed but it still hurt. I sat up and looked around for Sound. He wasn't beside me anymore.

"Sound? Sound? Where are you, Sound?" I got up and walked out of the room and right into Breakdown. "Oww. My head."

"Oh I'm sorry my dear femme." He said. "W-What were you doing in Soundwave's room?"

"Sleeping. Speaking of Sound where is he?"

"On the bridge with Knockout and Starscream. I'm actually heading there right now." he said.

"Ok I'm coming too." I said. I got a few cat calls from some soldiers one even stopped and asked if me and Sound was dating.

"You and Soundwave? Why would you like him he's not much of a warrior and he never talks." Breakdown said.

"Maybe I dont go for a warrior maybe I like silent, gentle guys opposed to large, clumsy guys." I smarted off.

"Ah Breakdown and Starshot. Nice to see you up and running again my dear. I feared the worse when you fell." Starscream said taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

"Since when did you become a gentleman?" I asked walking toward Sound, again, wrapped his arms protectively around me. I looked down at his arms then back at him. "What's wrong Sound, Jealous." He touched his forehead to mine. Yep definitely our thing.

"Anyway what was it that you found in your little scouting, Breakdown." Starscream asked.

"An energon harvester."

"I think on my last trip to Greece I might have seen it." I said putting my finger on my chin. "Sound search Greek god and Golden Orb." A few pics popped up and I stopped him on one that looked just like the fresco. "That it Break?"

"Yep. That's definitely it." he said.

"Then I'm afraid that Megatron's well being will have to wait. It's Harvest Time." Starscream said.

"Really, again with the puns?" I asked.

"Gah. Just go." he said.

"Yeah Yeah." I said.

So we formulated a plan Knockout and Breakdown will distract the Autobots and Sound and I will get the Harvester. Since I couldn't fight I had to help Sound. We walked to the side of the building where Arcee was stationed but she went to help with the other two. I heard one of the human's call her name. I think it was Jack. Sound lifted the door and I crawled in.

"Its Soundwave and I'm gonna guess Starshot." the kid stated. I grabbed the Harvester and crawled back out. Jack and the kid ran outside.

"Give that back." Jack yelled.

"Make me and tell Miko I said hi. Also tell Arcee I look forward to fighting her." I walked over to Sound. "Here you go my darling." I said trailing my hand across his as he took it and transformed. I followed suit. Flying low to signal Knockout and Breakdown.

"That would be game." Knockout said and him and Breakdown back flipped and drove off.

We got back on the ship and me and Sound went to Lord Starscream. He handed me the Harvester.

"Sound you should give it to him, you came up with the plan." I pushed it back to him only to have him grab my hand and place it in it. "Well yeah but.." He shook his head. "Ugh fine. I hate when you win arguments. And you don't even say anything." I glared at him.

"Are you two done having your argument." Starscream asked. "It made me wanna throw up."

"Alright then I guess I'll take this back." I held up the Harvester.

"Give me that!" He said.

"Only if you say I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry." he said through his teeth.

"Here you go my lord." I said bowing. "And was that so hard?" He just growled. I smiled back at Sound. He shook his head at me. "What? What I say?" Sound grabbed my hand and pulled me to our room.

"Soundwave?" He got some energon from a fridge type thing and handed it to me. "Thanks Sound." I said sitting on the berth. He sat down beside me and pulled me to him. "Ha ha Sound what's with the protective arm thing you afraid a ghost will come out of the walls and nab me." I quite enjoyed it. I may not be able to be held close to his spark when I sleep but this is alot better. None of my exes ever did this and he wasn't even my boyfriend and treats me better than they ever did. I took a sip from the cube and heard a click coming from Sound. Did his visor just? He has a face underneath there? He looked down at me smiling. His crimson optics were warm and soft. "Sound...Soundwave?"

"Yeah." he talked. His voice was soft and deep. "You know no one's ever gotten me to talk since arriving on this planet. But you, your different than them, your something special. Even Megatron noticed."

"Sound. Why didn't you tell me this before."

"Cause I never knew what to say. You make me feel different when your around."

"Aww Sound." I leaned up and kissed him. His hand snaked around my waist. I felt him smirk. I decided to be the brave one. I licked the bottom of his lip and and he pulled away. Apparently confused. I purred contently and grabbed the back of his helm and smashed my lips against his. This time he licked my bottom lip and I opened up for him. We fought for dominance and I won pushing him down on the bed. We pulled apart when we heard Knockout scream. Fragger must have been racing again.

"Hey Starshot?"


"Can you not tell anyone about this?" he asked shyly. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his chest.

"Your secret is safe with me, Sound." I kissed him before he pulled his visor back over his face and took up the silent act again.


Yeah i know i know the end doesn't sound right but in my head i wanted to make soundwave have a face i mean come on.

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