Near Dead Megatron :-(

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I wasn't feeling to happy about what Starscream just said.

"NO! We're not taking Megatron off of life support. Whether you like it or not Screamer." I shrieked. Me and Sound just returned from a morning flight well he did I was being shot at by a vehicon as opposed to ground targets shooting at me. I swear Dorito was trying to get rid of me. Sound walked up to me and stood beside me.

"What do you think Soundwave?" Knockout asked. He pointed to me. "You agree with Starshot?" He nodded,that's two for two. Suddenly a vehicon reported that the electromagnetic shielding has malfunctioned.

"Why has the electromagnetic shielding not been repaired." Starscream ordered it like an hour ago. A vehicon stepped forward.

"The crew's are working as fast-" Starscream slapped him before he could finish the sentence. If he slapped me like that he would get the beat down of his existence from Sound.

"We are leaking a trail. All the Autobots need do to pinpoint our location is access the right frequency wavelength. Accelerate your efforts."

"Yes Lord Starscream."

"Ugh can we throw him off the ship?" I looked over at Soundwave who was monitering a vehicon's progress. He looked back at me. For the pass two day's he's been talking only to me. Teaching me about his people and their culture. I found it quite interesting. He held up his hand at the soldier and walked over to me.

"He may proclaim himself as Lord but that doesn't mean he's not a higher rank than us Shot." haha he called me Shot. That's Breakdown's nickname for me. It's cute when Sound calls me it.

"Well I'm just saying my dear." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his forehead to mine. It was our way of kissing when others are around. Me and Sound had gotten closer than we were before. He had asked me to be his spark mate last night. I gladly said yes. I looked back up at the main walkway and seen Starscream and Knockout looking at us. "What ya looking at." I said to Knockout glaring at him.

"Oh nothing just an explanation to why you two are hugging each other?" Starscream said.

"My Lord with all due respect I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to Knockout." I said.

"I'm wondering the same thing?"

"Maybe we feel like hugging." I said sticking my tongue out at them. We pulled apart and followed Lord Starscream to the med bay.

"Knockout if you would be so kind as to provide your expert medical opinion to Soundwave eh for the historical record." Starscream said as we entered the room where Megatron rested.

"Simply put unaided, Megatron could remain in this deathless slumber forever." Knockout stated.

"Our master would not have wanted to be seen this way. To stand idly by while he remains captive in his own body. Is not just." Me and Sound walked over to Starscream. Sound pointed one long finger at the screen at which Knockout was standing by.

"Brain wave activity. Not any indication of true consciousness. But merely of an endless dream from which Megatron may never wake." I looked over to my former master. He looked kinda scary.

"Soundwave we must face reality. Megatron is lost to us." Scream said.

"The only honorable option would be to show him mercy." KO said. I just glared at him.

"A simple throw to the switch."

"Quick, painless, compassionate." KO said. Again I glared daggers at him. I pulled Sound to the side.

"Sound we can't let them do that." he nodded. He sent me a message telepathicaly saying he agreed.

"Soundwave do I take your silence to mean you concur with Knockouts medical expertise. Speak now or forever hold your peace." Scream said as he reached for the cord. Then I noticed something. A cord coming from behind Megatron's resting place. I nudged Sound and nodded my head to the cord. "Going, Going." that's when Sound pointed to the cord. Everything happened so fast next thing I know a blue laser is flying toward the more important cord attached to Megatrons spark chamber.

"NO!! ARCEEEEEE!!!!!!" I shrieked. I panicked and Soundwave grabbed my arms and held me close to him. "He cant be gone."

"Oh but he is." said Starscream. Soundwave pointed to Megatron. I didn't see what happened after that cause I just went to bed.

"Hey what's wrong?" Sound asked as he came in. I sniffled and heard him rush to my side. "Hey its okay. They attached the cord back."

"No its not that."

"Then what?"

"My mom called me. She said she was sorry." I said wiping away tears.

"I'm sorry Shot." he said pulling onto his lap.

"What am I going to do Sound?" I said. "Outside of the ship is someone who still loves me and I can't see them."

"I will make sure she see's you, Shot." he said. "Cause that's how much I love you."


"I'll get her tell her to meet you about a mile outside of Jasper to the south. Okay."

"Okay. And I love you too, Sound." I said.

"I know now drink your energon you need it." he said handing me it. "And your rest."


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