Mom Gets The Shock Of Her Life

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Sound did just as he promised. But he left around eight in the morning. I think. I don't know I was still asleep. Now it was about ten in the morning. Hard to tell cause the ship had no windows. Frag it. Man I really was picking up on their culture. Hmm. I just got up and got my morning energon. Thank Primus this was the last day I needed it. I was feeling a bit bloated from all the energon I had to consume. No thanks to Vanity. But my wound was almost healed. These last three cubes should do the trick. I just finished the cube up when Knockout knocked on the door.

   "Yeah come in." He strolled casually in with his scanner.

   "Just here to check on you. How you feeling?"

   "A lot better. But I do feel bloated." He chuckled.

   "Well today's the last day you need to drink so much alright. Ususally I would advise against drinking so much in one day but for the sake of your spark chamber it was necessary."

   "I understand. Is Sound back yet?"

   "Yeah he's brought back another human and her companion." I raised an eyebrow.

   "Okay then. Am I good." he ran the scanner over my chest.

   "Yep definately today is the last day you need to drink so much." and with that he left.

A few minutes later Sound walked in and retracted his visor. He picked me up and sat me on the berth.

   "Good morning my dear." he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

   "Morning, my love." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss.

   "So you ready to go see your mother?" He asked. I nodded. "Uh head's up. John's with her."

   "Yeah Knockout told me."

   "Did he now?" I nodded. We walked hand in hand. As we walked into the corridor Sound pulled his visor back over his face. We got to Knockout's lab and Sound walked in first but not before telling me to wait behind and wait for him to call me. He pulled the visor back.

   "Are you ready to see Kasey?" he asked gently.

   "Yes I miss her so much." she had been crying.

   "Now don't be scared and dont scream." he said soothingly. "Starshot. Come on in my love."

   "Starshot?" I heard John say as I walked in. My mom gasped.

   "That is not my Kase." she shrieked.

   "Mom it is me." I said. "I just decided to give up my humanity to be with Sound." I told her while taking Sounds hand.


   "Yes Sound. Well his real name is Soundwave but I call him Sound and he don't talk much."

   "Why did you do this you were perfect as a human?"

   "Because I feel more alive in the air than I do on the ground. No limits. No worries. Just an open sky."

   "I wish you could've been at the wedding my dear." John said smiling. "No matter what you looked like we would've let you come."


   "Why?" my mom said.

   "Why what ma?"

   "Why did you choose this life over your real one?"

   "Because I love Sound, ma. Because I found the one I truely wanted to be with."

   "And your happy with your boyfriend?"

   "I'm happy with my husband."


   "Husband in earth terms. Sparkmate in Cybertronian." I smiled. Which turned into a frown. "You do know you can't tell anyone about us. Right?" I asked. They nodded. "Good now we better get you home so you can go to work."

   "Just one thing can I get a pic of you two. Just want some memories of my daughter and my son-in-law." Me and Sound looked at each other and nodded. "Of course ma."

   "OK. Say cheese."

   "Bye mom. I love you." I held her close to my faceplate. "Bye Joh-dad." I smiled.

   "Bye sweetheart." he said hugging my pinkie finger.

   "Make sure they get home safe, Sound, okay. And mom." I held up the rock on symbol. She held it up in return.

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