Ch. 1 - We're Moving??

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"WE'RE MOVING?!" I said. Hello, my name's Meghan Black, I'm sixteen years old, a "geek" according to everyone at school, and not so popular. I only have one friend, Jason Alveraz, even though i dont know why he hangs around me, when he's the most popular boy in school.

"Yes." Mom said.

"But, I dont want to move. What about school and Jason?"

"Oh dont worry hun," she came over and pulled me into a hug. "you'll make tons of new friends."

(Sure i will) I thought. I rolled. my eyes, "So when and where are we moving to?"

Dad comes tumbling down the stairs with a few boxes. "Right when you get out of school."

I scoffed. "But, does it make sense to go to school, just to end up moving right after?"

Mom gave me a look. "Just get ready for school, you're going to miss the bus."

(Of course)


"I can't believe you're moving Meghan. What am i going to without you?" Jason frowned.

I smiled. "Oh come on Jason. You're the team captain of the football team. You can become friends with anyone. You're smart and handsome. You can live without me. Right?"

He looked at me with an unknown look in his Nah. He sighed. "I guess, but I mean we've been best friends since kindergarten. It'll be weird without you around."

I looked at him. "You can't be serious right? I mean, you're Jason Alveraz. THE Jason Alveraz. Every girl is infatuated with you, every guy wants to be you, and yet you want to hang arouns little ol' me. You're crazy."

We started walking to class, with Jason complaining all the way.


The last bell ranged for the end of school, I walked to my locker to grab the last of my stuff. I looked around, the grey walls peeling, reminding me that my life it about to change. I sighed, walking through the front doors, leaving behind a past life.

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