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"Hey, Cucumber-bro, is there anything you really miss from our original timeline?"

It takes Shen Qingqiu an embarrassingly long moment to understand that Shang Qinghua is talking about their original lives, not about the original plot of Proud Immortal Demon Way.

"Yeah, I could list a lot of those things. Air conditioning, phones and wifi, my Binghe merchandise..."

"So you did have PIDW merchandise!"

"I never said I didn't! I just said I never got harem merch. You should already know from my reviews and forum posts that I only kept reading it for Binghe, so it should make sense that I bought Binghe merch."

"You had PIDW merchandise and that's all that matters to me, anyway, continue."

Shen Qingqiu rolled his eyes exasperatedly, "I sorta miss shitty literature, like yours, that I could spend hours ranting about." Shang Qinghua narrowed his eyes at the diss about his proudest creation... well his somewhat proud creation... Well, it got him a decent amount of money and he's proud of that. "I miss my parents, and my older brothers and my little sister. I miss so much about that place, but I wouldn't exchange this for the world."

"You got hella deep there... I feel bad now because I was going to say memes."

"God, you're trash, I took your question seriously when all you wanted to say about it was fucking memes. Memes."

Shang Qinghua laughed nervously, "Well, yeah I miss most of what you said as well, except for air conditioning because I've got Mobei-Jun who can be a personal cooler, but I really fucking miss memes. And your reviews on PIDW. That shit made me laugh all the time because you got so angry." Shen Qingqiu glared at the other Peak Lord and slowly stood up, lifting his arms out to the side and leaning over so he looked intimidating (which wasn't hard when the person being intimidated was the cowardly An Ding peak lord). Shang Qinghua squeaked and backed up until he was in a corner. Shen Qingqiu followed, arms still up.

"Please, have mercy."


Shen Qingqiu was trying to hold back his laughter as Shang Qinghua cowered in the corner. The other transmigrator screeched at the devious smile on Shen Qingqiu's face. He knew fully well that he was petty enough to stay in that position for hours no matter how much his arms would burn afterwards.

After the screech, the door to Shen Qingqiu's bedroom slammed open and said room-owner side-eyed the entry and saw both Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun standing frozen in the doorway, looking at both of them with pure confusion in their eyes.

"Shizun, what are you doing?"

"T posing to assert dominance because this bitch ain't shit."

"What?" With that, Shen Qingqiu's mask shattered, he burst into laughter and dropped his arms, falling on to Shang Qinghua and hugging him while he urged his laughter to die down. He ignored the jealous looks from both demons and rested his head on the other's shoulder. Maybe he did miss memes more than he thought. He voiced this thought to Shang Qinghua, who did not respond.

"What's a meme?" The pronunciation by Mobei-Jun was completely butchered but it made both transmigrators laugh, dragging Shang Qinghua out of his T pose induced shock.

Neither answered Mobei-Jun's question, leaving both demons very confused.

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