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Fuck fuck fuck...

I need to get out of here, fast. I can hear the sirens of the police vehicles catching up behind me. I smeared on my motorcrycle, not caring if I get into an accident now.

I'm gonna escape or just die anyways so what's the point of the fucking Godspeed.

I was clenching my jaw, not entirely focused on my driving even though it's on 120mph. Most likely, that's gonna send my bigbike flying soon.

The sirens behind me slowly getting weaker and weaker. They couldn't catch up to my speed. I looked behind me to make sure I wasn't followed and I was right. I can see the blue and red lights of the police cars from a mile away and I smirked in victory.

When I turned my attention back to the road, "FUCK!"

I cussed loudly as I bumped into someone! The person rolled over the road as I had my eyes widened.

It was a girl. Her clothes were torn. She looked dirty. Is she a beggar? And what is she doing in the middle of the road?

My eyes widened when the woman suddenly flinched, facing me as she stretched out her hands.

"H-Help..." She muttered as she struggled to stand up.

Her messed up hair is covering her whole face. I just stared at her, contemplating whether to help her or not.

"Pl... ease." She begged, a tear fell from her right eye.

I bit my lips, and was about to ditch her when I heard the sirens getting nearer and nearer by the second.

I looked down at the woman one last time...

"Fuck this." I cursed and decided to carry the woman, letting her ride with me.

After I made sure she was settled behind me, I almost sent my motorcycle flying since the police vehicle is just behind us.

Why did my life turned out like this?

3 am...

I carried the woman bridal style as she was asleep in my arms. We arrived at my house, which was literally in the middle of a forest. It was the best place to hide.

I settled her on my bed and wrapped her in a blanket.

I never intend to keep her. I'm just doing a one time favor to her and she's gonna leave my house once she's fully recovered. I don't need a burden in my life.

I took the medical kit and tried to treat her bruises and scratches that she got from when I accidentally crashed into her.

After doing the damages on her small petite body, my eyes turned to her face.

Her hair is covering half of it. So in order to check other damages, I slowly brushed her hair away from her face.


I noticed I was staring too long so I cleared my throat to get myself together.

How can an angel be lingering in the middle of the streets at night?

I mean, yeah. I won't deny that she got the looks of a goddess. She's almost looking like a doll despite the bruises and dirt in her face.

Chase : Part i ✔Where stories live. Discover now