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"Hang in there, Jungkook!" I tried to hold him and helped him to stand up but he kept hissing at the pain.

"You're too heavy." I grunted, slowly dragging him inside the house.

We stumbled on the stairs up to his doorstep. We stumbled just as we entered the house. And we even stumbled on the tv, causing it to fall.

I finally get to place him on the sofa and made him lie down.

"Stay there I'm gonna look for help-" I was about to stand up but he suddenly held my wrist.

"Call Jisoo." He handed me a cellular phone.

I nodded and immediately dialed Jisoo's contact number. It rang a few times but she luckily answered.

"Hello? Jungkook?" She answered.

"Jisoo, it's me Lisa! Jungkook is-"

"Give me the phone." Jungkook suddenly cut me off.


"Just give it to me." Jungkook insisted.

I bit my lips and handed him the phone. He grunted in pain at the slightest move he makes.

I couldn't do anything but get worried.

"What's happening? Are you guys alright?" Jisoo worriedly spoke on the other end.

"Noona, I've been shot. You know I can't go to the hospital. Please don't tell Taehyung and the others." Jungkook said.

"What?! Alright, alright! I'll be there in a minute. Give the phone back to Lisa." Jisoo answered.

Jungkook handed back the phone to me, "Unnie?"

"Did he lost a lot of blood?" She immediately asked.

I looked at Jungkook's state and his torso was drenched in blood. I also glanced back at the doorstep, where we walked in earlier and the floor had huge droplets of blood.


"Shit." Jisoo unnie cussed.

I bit my lips and tried to stop my tears, "What do I do, unnie?"

"Listen to me, Lisa. Go and get a clean towel or any cloth and press it gently on Jungkook's wound. Undress the area he's been shot. I'm on my way." Jisoo instructed.

"Okay, I got it." I obediently responded.

"And Lisa. Don't let Jungkook sleep." She ended the call.

I stood up and proceeded to get a clean towel, "Jungkook! Talk!"

I just needed to make sure he's still conscious. Jisoo unnie's last instruction had me worried.

He grunted, "I'm thirsty."

As soon as I got a clean towel, I went to the kitchen and got the whole bottle of water. I sat back beside him and handed him the bottle.

Chase : Part i ✔Where stories live. Discover now