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I never knew waking up with a very very fine angel, naked, and is next to you could make me feel like I'm in heaven. Like I did some good shit in my past life to get a reward this good.

I tucked some strands of her hair interrupting the view of her perfect face, behind her ears.

I stared at her sleeping state. Her lashes were fully flexed, her cute nose, her flushed cheeks, her visible hickeys, her fuzzy hair, and her tear stains on her cheeks.

She looked thoroughly fucked.

And I did this work. I made this priceless art piece in front of me.

"Am I that ugly for you to stare at me that long?" The former brunette, who dyed her hair blonde has awaken. Her morning voice didn't give me the justice to calm my dick after how many rounds.

"I wasn't staring. I was searching." I muttered back to her.

Her brows furrowed, "Searching for what?"

"A flaw. But I couldn't. Everything about you is perfect. Even your flaws are perfect." I answered back to her.

I saw how her milky white cheeks slowly turned into a pinkish pair of mochi. I couldn't help but smile at her when she suddenly burried her face on the crook of my neck and snaked her arms on my waist.

We cuddled on the bed, not caring if it's already noon.

"I'm hungry." She muttered. The vibration coming from her voice, sent an electrifying feeling on my neck down to my... You know.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her.

She pulled away from the hug and faced me. She leaned closer to me until our noses were touching each other.

"I want to eat you." She said and gave me a peck on the lips.

"Jesus, Lisa. I was holding my boner for pete's sake. Don't make me ruin you at this hour of the morning." I growled at her.

She just chuckled at me and burried her face on my neck again, "I want barbeque."

I smiled and pulled her closer to me, "Good thing. We have enough meat in the fridge. We better get up and start marinating."

"Okay." She was about to pull away from me when I tightened my embrace and didn't let her.


I didn't let her finish and claimed her lips. She gave in and responded but sadly, we needed air and we pulled away.

"There. A great start for the day." I said as soon as we pulled away. She smiled at me and gave me a quick peck before running towards the bathroom and pulled the sheets.

I was left there naked in the bed. But with blushed cheeks and an out-standing boner.

Yeah, great day. Maybe not.

11:42 am...

"I can't believe you invited them." I eyed Lisa as she chop the meat and marinates it.

Chase : Part i ✔Where stories live. Discover now