Part 14: Questions

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     Scott curiously watched as you and Luke hugged each other for what seemed like hours. Scott could feel a fire burn within him as Luke had whispered something in your ear. His eyebrows furrowed as the smile on your face fell and you slowly nodded. Soon your gaze landed on Scott and immediately a smile embraced your face. Only this time it seemed forced. Luke mumbled something once more to you before getting in his car and driving off without a word towards Scott. You began to approach your boyfriend slowly and came to a stop in front of him. "Hey how was the business trip?" you questioned, standing just a foot away from him.

"It was long. Mostly missed you and the baby," Scott replied, you smiled down at your feet and then looked back up. "Why are you standing so far away? I don't smell do I?" he joked, sniffing his clothes and then rearing back at the smell. "On second thought I really do need a shower," Scott said, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he waited for you to open the door.

"Why didn't you stop at home before coming here?" you asked, pulling out your keys and unlocking the door so that the both of you would be able to go inside. The minute you took a step in Scott engulfed you into a hug. He made sure to hug you longer than Luke had, but it ended quickly when he got a whiff of Luke's cologne emitting from your body. Scott frowned at the smell and he pulled away from you.

"So why was Luke dropping you off?" Scott asked, ignoring your question from before. Your mouth parted in surprise at his words and your mind raced to find something to say. "Danielle's borrowing my car while hers is in the shop," you half lied. Your best friend was indeed using your car today, but the truth was you were with Luke the whole time Scott was away on business.

"She couldn't drop you off?" he asked this time. You rolled your eyes in response. Scott asking you a bunch of questions wasn't on your agenda today.

"No because she's running a ton of errands today. Are you hungry? I can make you something while you shower," you changed the subject and dropped your bag down on the couch, and made your way towards the kitchen. Scott's eyes followed as you left the room and he frown turned into a grimace. All while Scott was away he had started to think about your relationship and where it all went wrong. It was going well until he had met Luke. Everything the two of you had together went downhill because your ex-boyfriend refused to leave your relationship alone.

You already knew that Scott and Luke were not fond of one another. Which meant all Scott had to do, to twist your thoughts on Luke, was make you choose a side and possibly plant some bad thoughts about Luke in your mind. Scott made his way to the bathroom so he could shower as you began to cook. As you began to prepare something to eat, you began to think about what Luke had just told you. While you had said goodbye to him, Luke reminded you that you had to tell Scott that the two of you weren't going to work anymore. That you and Luke decided to give things another try. It wasn't right to keep Scott in the dark about you wanting to be with Luke. It was a lot to think about and you realized Luke had been right all along. You weren't in love with Scott. It was better to let him know now before you had the baby. Depending on what the test results said there was a chance Scott could be the father. If that was the case then things would be even more awkward with him around. You should have been thinking about what was best for your children and then what made you happy. This was the main reason as to why you were holding off on telling Scott the news.

     You and Scott sat across from each other silently chewing on hamburgers and fries. The atmosphere had been like this ever since Scott had gotten out of the shower. It was clear that the dynamic between you two had changed and it was something Scott had picked up on a long time ago. He had cleared his throat. The sound was loud and it washed over you like waves crashing against the shore. His throat clear wasn't because something was stuck in his throat. No, it was because Scott wanted to get your attention. When you didn't look up from staring down at your plate, Scott cleared his throat again but louder this time. You looked at him then, blinking twice and raising your eyebrows in curiosity. If Scott had wanted to get your attention all he had to do was say your name. "What's on your mind?" Scott questioned making your eyebrows furrow in response this time.

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