Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

So it's been two years since my twin brother was one the X-Factor. I've always been so proud of him. He told me to audition but I don't think I'm as good as him. I mean he is freaking amazing! But so are his bandmates voices, especially Zayn Malik. His voice gives me chills. Just like how Ed Sheerans voice gives me chills, but in a different way. Like I have such a big crush on Zayn, he's just so hot, and sweet, and hot and talented, and not to mention hot. I mean not many people understand his whole "just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is life" thing. But I get it. It means even if life is bringing you down enjoy the good in life.

"honey! Finish packing we're leaving in 20!" my mom yelled snapping me out of my daze. Oh by the way I'm going to go see Niall and the other boys today. Since im in Mullingar and they're in London I'm flying out there to stay with them for the entire summer! That's three monthes!!! Oh by the way I'm really A.D.D. So I "Zone out" alot.

I quickly threw my toothbrush in my suitcase before heading down stairs with all of my bags.I am so excited I couldn't sleep last night. Like I maybe got four hours of sleep last night. That's it.

"go ahead and get in the car!" my mom yelled from her bedroom (which is down stairs and mine is upstairs just to clarify that.) "ok!" I responded.


So I'm on the plane and it's not that long of a flight. It's three hours. And right after we took off I fell asleep. There's maybe forty-five minutes left of the flight. I've been staring out the window for fifteen minutes now.


My phone went off. "odd I didn't know you got service on a plane." I whispered to myself checking my phone.

FROM: Ni💚 

Hey! Can't wait to see my baby sister! I'm so excited! The others can't wait to meet you too! We are gonna have so much fun!

It read. He always calls me his 'baby' sister when he's only three minutes older than me. But I'm a nice sister and I let him call me his 'baby sister'. I texted him back immediately.

TO: Ni💚 

Hiya! I can't wait to meet the others either! And just curious.... You do have a guest room right? Cause I don't wanna sleep on the couch....

It's true.. I hate sleeping on couches. They make my back and neck hurt really bad, Niall is the same way. But we're the same in lots of ways. Some people say that we have telepathy which I don't believe but Niall is convinced we do. But I like being more technical and I tell him if we do have 'telepathy' I shall call it a clairvoyance. It's basically the same thing, just a fancier word.

FROM: Ni💚 

Don't worry. I won't make you sleep on the couch, I love you too much! I have a guest bedroom right next to mine!

Ok that's good. I quickly texted him a thank you and told him that I should be there soon. I then fell asleep.

"please fasten your seatbelts, we are landing now." I woke up hearing the flight attendant lady saying in the microphone. Looked down and realized that I never even in buckled in the first place. What the heck? Well I am terrified of planes so it makes since. But I think I would have remembered that I didn't in buckle. Oh well.


"umm. This is it up here." I told the cab driver. I've never been to there flat thingy before but I know the address and what it looks like. The cab stopped and I paid the driver and grabbed my bags. I wasn't even to the door when all the boys burst out and tackled me. "eeih!" I screamed. As I went down. "what the hell Niall?" I yelled opening my eyes. "Language missy!" he yelled at me from my right. Then I noticed who was on top of me looking at me with those chocolate brown eyes. Zayn Malik. "ello." he said embarrassed. "get off of my sister Zayn!" Niall yelled, way to ruin the moment Ni. They all got up and Niall helped me up. And gave me a hug. "I missed you this much!" he said putting his hands together with no space between them Immatating me when I was little. It means all the way around the world and back. "what's that suppose to mean?" Harry asked. "it's mean all the way around the world and back." Niall and I said simultaneously. But I'm used to it. But all the boys' faces were priceless. "you guys really need to get used to that." Niall and I said at the same time. "do you think they'll ever get used to that?" I heard Niall say though his lips were not moving. Maybe we do have telepathy. No a clairvoyance. I thought to myself but evidentially Niall heard it. "not a clairvoyance! It's telepathy" I heard his voice again. "shut up" I thought harshly. "why are you too staring at each other like that?" Liam asked cautiously. "oh just sending each other telepathy messages." Niall and I said at the same time. "I don't believe you...." Louis said, "and do you ever talk I your own?" he added. "you know that I can I do it all the time over Skype," I told him. "can we go inside now? I'm getting hot." Niall said. "well stop. Cause your making me get hot." I said sarcastically and he laughed while the other boys looked at us scared. "guys... I was joking. We can only tell each other things. We cant like, make each others body temperatures." I explained and they looked a little more relaxed. "oh, ok. Let's go inside now!" Louis yelled like a six year old. And I followed him inside. And immeadiately I was shocked. They had welcome signs everywhere. "since your gonna be staying here for like three months we decided to decorate the place. I hope you like it." Niall thought to me smiling. "well. I hope there's enough food since we both eat like we have a stomach disease." I thought to him back. "don't worry we have food covered" he said aloud. And he guided me to the living room, and there were comforters/duvets whatever you call them on the floor with lots of popcorn. And when I say lots of popcorn I mean like seven giant bowls of popcorn, sitting with candy and my favorite movie was in the TV at the homes teen waiting for someone to press play.

"you guys did all this for me?" I asked astonished. (a/n I just love that word!) "yeah. Of course." Zayn answered sweetly eating some popcorn. We all sat down and Harry started the movie. Phantom Of The Opera. I was sitting in between Niall and Zayn on the floor.

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