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Trigger warning ⚠️ Death and Abuse
I was getting bored Without John. He always made jokes and played with me. I was just sitting there when my older sister Alice (16)
Started talking. "[N/N] are you ok?" I look over at her and nod. I had a feeling that we should stop and continue traveling tomorrow. It was not a good feeling. We continued on the road. Ma sitting up front with pa. Alice tending to my little sisters and brother. Taylor and Trinity where twins. They just turned 1. Eric he is 5, his birthday was in a few weeks. I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer so I gave in and drifted off into deep sleep.
3 hours later still your POV
I woke up to that bad feeling. Right when I was about to say something I heard gunshots. My older sister put all of us behind her. We Heard ma and pa talking. I look over and I immediately regret it. When I looked over my sisters shoulder I saw pa get shot and he fell outta his seat. I heard ma and Alice crying. Then ma was shot.
Then the men left out of sight but I sighed holding the twins and Eric gripping on my stomach. Next thing I know is we are ripped out of the wagon. I fall out of the wagon but my 1st priory was to make sure my siblings where ok. I landed on my back so the twins won't get hurt to bad. I get up and hold them to my chest. And Eric behind me. Then I feel the twins ripped out of my grip. I hear my older sister yelling and fighting to get out of the mans grip but... when I looked over he slit her trough and dropped her lifeless body. The other man looks at the twins and he trows them on the ground. I scream and try to grab them but it's to late. He shot both of them. I started backing away with my little brother behind me.i feel someone grab my wrist and pull me away from Eric. I fight to get to Eric and I see the man stab him in the stomach repeatedly. I start sobbing harder. As his body falls. Then the man who killed him looks at me. "Well she's mighty pretty ain't she." He said but there was one thing... he talked like a white man. But they looked like Indians. I was snapped outta my thoughts by a man hitting me over and over and over. " tell me girl! How old are you?" He asks holding my bloody face."e-eight" I say as best as I could.i felt pain again and again being hit and beaten with rocks. The last thing I remember them saying. "We got em redskins."
I passed out.
A few hours later
I begin waking up feeling pain in my head. I look around and I'm in the middle of no where.
I try to get up but the pain in my head was unbearable. I fought threw it and sat up. I close my eyes as I see my dead siblings and parents. I hear horses and I turn my head slowly to see an old woman and man get out and walk over to me. I start scooting away crying again, afraid that they will hurt me too. "Shhhh shhh it's ok little one" the older women says. I have nowhere to go so I just give up squeezing my eyes shut. Then I feel someone picking me up I shoot my eyes open and start to squirm." Hey hey it's ok." The older man speaks softly." We will take care of you hunny." The older women says. "W-who are you?" I ask as the man sits me on the front on the wagon. "I'm Lily" the women says. "I'm Billy " the man says. The wagon starts moving and I cling on to the older lady and I pass my siblings. Tears fill my eyes. After a few miles we see a town. Who knew that this town would be hell for me.
[y/N] POV
the two people I had left in this hell hole died. The two old couple who saved me, died last week. I dong know how but after there death I had to take on so many responsibilities as a 9 year old. But after the death of my family I thought that I never had to go threw abuse again. Boy I was wrong. It only go worse. The sharif didn't like having a half breed in town but he took advantage of me. He took his anger out on me. Even if I did nothing wrong. It only got worse and worse.
Word count:839
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I just didn't have much ideas

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